Chapter 12

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Mona's POV

I angrily walked into Buck's to find Dally and he was sitting at the bar. I turned him around and slapped him so he let out a small chuckle as it didn't seem to phase him.

"You told Ponyboy."

"I didn't do shit," he smirked and sipped his drink. "Ponyboy assumed."

I felt myself wanting to cry out of anger, "you ruined something good, Dallas. I liked Ponyboy."

"You ruined it, Mona. It's not my fault Ponyboy doesn't want you cheating on him," Dally turned around and asked for another drink.

I got frustrated, "I didn't cheat! You were drunk and came to my room because your piece of shit girlfriend didn't want to be with you for whatever reason!"

Dally stood up and put our faces inches apart, "look, doll. Keep my girl out of your mouth. While I may have slept with you, I don't want anything to do with you. Leave Sylvia alone or Ill send her your way."

"Nice of you to defend her after she dumped you." I scoffed. "You suck up to that bitch and she doesn't even love you."

He grabbed my wrist as I tried walking away and shoved me against the bar counter, "watch what you say, Mona." I looked up at him and felt fear overcome my anger. I looked away and tried moving around him but he put his arm on my shoulder and kept me there. "Sylvia and I are different."

"So why'd you drop everything to sleep with me when you got dumped? Good boyfriends don't do that."

"I never said I was good. Understand this, doll. You're never going to be the same as me or anyone around you as long as you stay on this side of town. Go live with your rich daddy and leave us all alone. We didn't ask for you."

I swallowed a lump in my throat, "let go of me."

He scoffed and lowered his hands, "Ponyboy ain't going to forgive you like you think. He ain't like me."

"I don't see you as forgiving, Dallas. But you're right, Ponyboy is nothing like you. Ponyboy isn't cold." I turned and walked away. I went up to my room and laid down.


I woke up to a knock on my door. I hoped to see Ponyboy there and when I opened it, it was. But Dallas was with him.

"I don't want to hear it, okay?" I went to close the door but Dally put his hand out and stopped it.

"We ain't asked what you want to hear." Dally rolled his eyes.

Ponyboy looked hesitant to speak but he did anyway, "you're proving yourself to be what we don't like, Mona."

"I'm serious just break up with me and be on your way. Don't taunt me." I sighed.

Ponyboy didn't say anything after that. It was silent for a moment until Dally spoke, "the kid doesn't want to break up with you."

"Why are you here, Dallas?" I swung the door open and let them in. I sat on my bed and the two of them stayed standing. "I get it. You hate me."

"He doesn't hate you," Ponyboy muttered. "If he did he would have made Buck kick you out and fire you."

"You don't know shit, Pony. I came here per Johnny's request to make sure y'all fix whatever the hell this is." Dally plopped down on my bed and laid down. I moved away and walked to the window.

"I don't understand you guys."

Ponyboy rubbed the back of his neck, "I want to be with you, Mona. Trust me I want to... but when Dally has the hots for a girl-"

"Watch it, Ponyboy. The only girl I'm thinking about getting with is Sylvia." Dally snapped.

"Don't lie, Dal. You wouldn't have showed up here if you didn't want to see her, no matter what Johnny asked you to do."

Dally stared at Ponyboy then rolled his eyes and closed them. As his eyes fell shut I watched him get visibly relaxed. Ponyboy walked towards me.

"I want to be with you, Ponyboy." I whispered to him. "Dally was a spur of the moment mistake before I knew what you meant to me."

"Did Dally leave after you guys had sex?" Ponyboy leaned against the windowframe. "Or kiss you after?"

I looked away from him and tucked my hair behind my ear. "That doesn't mean anything."

"To him it does. When he has a random hook-up Dally barely looks at their face. It's one and done and he doesn't speak or think about that girl again. He leaves as soon as it's over and doesn't spend the night. Even if he's drunk."

"He doesn't-"

"He lives across the hall, Mona. He could have left."

I looked over at Dally and he somehow was already asleep. I shook my head and looked out the window. I watched cars drive by and I couldn't think of anything to say. I'm a Soc amongst Greasers, and I'm caught between a sweetheart and a JD. I know who's good for me but it doesn't stop me from thinking about the other.

"I like you, Mona. I like your family and dad, and I'll keep talking to you and I won't break your dads heart by not training with him, but Dally-"

"I don't want Dally." I grabbed his hand. "Listen to me, Ponyboy, I want you. You're my boyfriend."

Ponyboy kissed me and we again leaned against the windowsill. After a couple moments he pulled away and rubbed his hands over his face sighing. "I should go..."

"What about Dally?" I gestured to the sleeping teenager on my bed and grabbed Pony's hand. "Come on, Pony... Trust me, Ponyboy I don't want to be with him."

"Stop, Mona. It's fine you can be with Dally."

I got frustrated, "Ponyboy I don't like him! My attraction to him doesn't matter to me at all. He's just a guy who lives across the hall and calls me names. You're what I want so please just be with me."

"I'm not saying this because I'm trying to guilt you into being with me, Mona. I'm serious. Dal doesn't do anything to make himself be around a girl. Only Sylvia ever got him on his toes. Dallas actually goes to school when he knows you're going to be there. Yeah after lunch he leaves but he only shows up to see you for that one moment at lunch." Ponyboy pulled his hand away, "he sees something in you."

"He likes to torment me. That's it."

Ponyboy chuckled, "he would have stopped once he knew we got together but he didn't."

"Okay, whatever. Just take Dally and leave. I don't want him." I opened the door. Ponyboy walked out without waking Dally so I sighed and went downstairs to start my shift.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now