Chapter 33

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I was in my room while Dally was out with the gang. I wanted to go with him to make sure he was taking things easy still but I couldn't make myself. I still felt bad about making his mom leave.

There was a knock at my door so I got up and pulled the door open. It was Meyer. I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. "What do you want?"

"I came to apologize, Mona." He sighed.

I looked at him, "finally gonna accept mine and Dally's relationship?" I smiled.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "not entirely... Mother and Father have asked me to set you up with someone... a boy who will be good to you and treat you right."

I stood up, "you mean a rich boy?"

He chuckled and nodded, "yes, Mona. Can't you see that's what's good for you?"

"No, Meyer! Dally and I are happy."

He sat on my bed, "his name is Jack. He is a football player at my school and his father owns the law firm back home." He sighed, "do this for the family, Mona. We need a wealthy girl marrying a wealthy man. Keep the money in the family, Mona. If you marry Dallas who knows what he will do with our money."

I began getting angry, "I love him, Meyer! He loves me. He doesn't care about my money, actually he resents it!" I crossed my arms. "I don't want to go out with Jack."

"Do it for the family, Mona!" Meyer stood up.

"I'm 16! Why does who I date now have to determine who I'm gonna end up with?!" I yelled.

"Are you saying you aren't gonna try to marry this hood?"

I scoffed, "I'm saying I don't want to be with anyone else right now."

"What if you end up pregnant, Mona? He's a hood. He doesn't know how to take care of a girl, much less a damn baby."

"If I end up pregnant I guess that's between me, Mother, Father, and especially Dally. It would have nothing to do with you, Meyer." I said to him.

I watched him grow more angry, "you're a disgrace to this family, Mona!"

I walked towards him and slapped him, "get out of here!"

He shoved me against the wall, "I'll be sure to get every asset of you out of the will. I'll make sure you have noth-" I slapped him again and he backhanded me across the face. I gasped and began hitting his chest, but he pinned my arms against the wall. "You won't see a dime from Mother and Father."

"It isn't up to you!" I began crying. I hit him again in which he returned the favor by backhanding me again. "Mother and Father actually love me!"

"I do love you!" He stepped away from me. "It's why I want you away from Dallas!"

"I love him!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. "How could you tear me from something that I love?!"

He hit his fists against the wall and yelled out in anger. He turned to look at me, "if you won't do this, you'll have to come home."

"I'm not going home." I wiped my tears.

He walked towards me, "I'll make sure you go home. I'll make sure you live with Father so I can keep an eye on you."

"Over my dead body," I turned around.

He grabbed my arm so I turned and slapped him across the face, then began hitting his chest until he let go of me. He then shoved me against the dresser, almost hit me but instead shoved me across the room.

"You're making this harder than it has to be, Mona!" He yelled at me.

"Can't you see I'm not going to give up?!" I screamed at him. More tears streamed down my face. Not because he's hitting me, I mean we're brother and sister and only a year apart. Siblings fight. This isn't the first time we've gotten in a slapping fight.

He laughed angrily, "you'll see, Mona. You'll realize this family wants only the best for you and then you'll realize how deadbeat Winston is!"

I ran to him and jumped on him. He fell to the ground so I sat on top of him and began hitting his chest as I cried. He shielded himself as much as possible but got angry and threw me off of him. He didn't realize how close to the bed we were, so I hit my head against the bed frame and went unconscious.

Dally's POV

Sodapop and Steve dropped me off at Buck's to go inside and get Mona. They all wondered why she wasn't with us. It was just because she didn't want to be a burden. All the guys like her though so she has nothing to worry about. I walked upstairs and into her room.

I gasped and seen her passed out on the floor. Her face was bruised and blood was coming from her nose. I rushed to her side and moved her onto my lap. "Mona," I began shaking her lightly. "Mona." I said louder. I picked her up and went out of her room with her. I carefully carried her downstairs.

"Buck, who the hell was in Mona's room?" I angrily asked. My heart was beating fast.

"Her brother. They were yelling at each other for a while up there. He left like ten minutes ago." Buck explained.

More anger grew inside of me. I brought her out and when Steve and Sodapop saw me carrying her they got out of the car. "Open the door." I grumbled.

"What the hell happened?" Soda asked.

"Her brother happened." I grabbed the keys out of Soda's hands and got in the drivers seat. Steve got passenger and Sodapop took back next to Mona. "We're taking her to her mom. Then we'll pay a visit to her brother." I began driving.

"Dally, you'd better slow down," Steve said to me.

I looked at him, "do you see her!?"

"Yes, Dally but if we get pulled over ain't nothing good gonna happen."

"Yeah, whatever," I muttered and slowed to the spending limit.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now