Chapter 28

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Sylvia and I were I pulled apart by Sodapop and a waiter that was nearby. I laughed as Sodapop let go of me and the waiter dragged Sylvia out of the place as she struggled to get free of his grip.

I smiled at the boys, "let's eat."

All three of them cracked up laughing, "we didn't know you could fight."

"I know how to keep myself alive when Meyer attacks me and I've taken on some things when my dad teaches football." I sat down and looked at the menu.

"Badass," Two-bit grinned.


"Heard you got in it with Sylvia," Dallas came to the bar as I was working it.

I smiled at him, "yeah, so?"

He chuckled, "never seen her so mad."

"Well she wouldn't leave me alone. She was planning to tell Evie that I kissed Steve and I didn't want to break them up."

"Ah Steve already told her. Evie doesn't even like Sylvia. None of the girls do but Sylvia is so controlling they're both scared of her."

"So is Evie mad at me?"

"No. She knows Steve doesn't like you and knows how me and you are... knows Steve wouldn't get mixed up in this."

I smiled a little but looked at the counter instead of him. I saw someone put his hand up, meaning he wants a refill so I walked to him and grabbed his glass.

"You know, Mona," Dally began. "I'm not gonna stop liking you."

I glanced at him again and shook my head with a smile on my face. I turned around to make the drink and when I turned back he wasn't there. My smile faded but I gave the drink to the guy at the bar and put the drink on his tab.


I walked into my room after my shift and Dally was on my bed asleep. I smiled and took my apron off and my shoes followed. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. When I came out in my towel Dally was now awake.

"Hey, doll," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pulled clothes out of my dresser, "don't."

"Aw, come on," he chuckled and stood up. "Can't help myself..."

I looked at him and held my towel against my body, "we can't keep doing this."

"We've only done it once." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

I smiled but looked away, "I meant arguing then making up over and over."

He turned my face towards his, "then let this be the last time, Mona..."

"Promise?" I stared at his lips and still held the towel to my body.

"Promise," he assured and kissed me.

The next moment I was on his lap on my bed struggling to keep my towel wrapped around me as we made out. My hips moved slowly against his and our lips worked perfectly in sync. His hands grasped my towel and tugged at it as he wanted it off. The moment was hot.

He rolled on top of me and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. I closed my eyes and bit the inside of my cheek as he got the towel off me and kissed down my body.

"Let this be the last time we fight about her, Dally." I muttered while panting.

He came back up and pushed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed along with him. His hands gripped my waist and it all just felt like a better first time. What you imagine your first time to be like.


I was sitting on my bed with Dally's jacket around my body. We were really getting into it when Dally got called downstairs for some reason. When he came back into the room he kissed my lips. I took the jacket back off and wrapped my arms around him.

"Actually," he pulled away and put the jacket back on me, "I need to go."

I frowned, "but we didn't fini-"

"I know," he kissed my lips again. "Trust me, doll, I'd rather be up here with you but some guys need my help with something."

I watched him put his shirt on and hand me a new change of clothes so I could get dressed too. "Can I come with you?"

"No," he leaned against the door and watched me get dressed. "You wouldn't be able to do anything there."

He kissed me again and opened the door, "I'll see you later tonight, Mona." I sighed and sat down on my bed again.


Dally walked into my room late at night, around 1am. My eyes went wide when I saw him and I rushed to his side. "Dally, what the hell!?"

"There was a rumble," he grabbed my face and kissed my lips slowly. "I'm okay."

I shook my head, "you look like hell, Dal." I went into the bathroom. "Who'd you fight against?"

"That's not important," he leaned against the bathroom counter and pulled me close to him. He kissed me again before I pulled away to clean him up.

"It is important, Dally. You're hurt pretty bad. Was it another gang?" I pulled out a towel and got it wet.

"No, Mona. Listen it doesn't matter," he moved the hair from my eyes and tucked it behind my ear. "Seriously, Mona I'm okay. It looks worse than it is."

"Were the other guys in the fight too?" I sat on the counter and dabbed the towel around his cuts on his fists.

He nodded his head, "we're all fine."

Once I was done wiping around his fists and face I lifted his shirt over his head to see the bruising on his torso. I sighed and got off the counter, "what'd you do, break a rib?"

"I think," he glanced at his body in the mirror. "Go get some ice from downstairs."

I nodded my head and did as told, came back up and he held it against his body. I took out a wrap and began wrapping it around his torso to hold the bag of ice in place. He winced every time I wrapped it but I kept going.

I sat back on the counter and moved wisps of hair out of his eyes, "you're gonna need to rest for a while."

He nodded, "yes, mom."

I giggled and kissed his lips. We were kissing for a while until my door swung open. All of a sudden Dally was shoved against the wall and was being punched repeatedly. Dally fought back as best he could but he's in a lot of pain. The two stumbled out of the bathroom and Dally was shoved against my dresser, sending the things on top to go flying off.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now