Chapter 15

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I saw Sylvia looking at me nearly the whole time we were there. The girls loudly cheered for their boyfriends and Sylvia cheered for Dally. I played with the Christopher around my neck until I got tired of her staring at me. I already wasn't having a good time, why stay? I stood up and stopped the game by walking in the middle of it.

I walked to Dally and unclasped the necklace and placed it in his hand. I didn't say anything as I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Where you going?"

I used my other hand to take his hand off of me and avoided eye contact with them all, "home. I'm tired of them staring at me."

"Don't pay attention to them," Dally stepped closer to me but I moved away again.

"I thought you guys broke up."

"We did." He tried putting the necklace back on me but I shoved his hands away.

"Leave me alone, will you? I'm tired of your reindeer games." I finally walked away.

"Mona!" He called my name again. I jogged to my car and leaned against it before I got in, started the car and left.


There was a knock at my door but I ignored it. It had been hours since I left the park and the boys should all be at the Curtis' playing poker. The knock came a second time and I ignored it again. The third time, the door just opened and Dally stood there.

"Would you listen to me, Dallas?"

He sighed and leaned against the doorframe, "I didn't know she was going to show up."

"You kissed her," I rolled over and faced the wall, "I really don't care, Dally. Do what you want with your love life but stop breaking in to my room. Get out."

"Honest, Mona. She's not my girlfriend anymore."

I didn't say anything.

"Come on, Doll. The gang is all worried about you."

"And that's why you're here. You do things like this, Dallas. We had one good night together. That doesn't mean anything."

Dally shut the door and stood at the edge of my bed, "how do you feel about me, Mona? Some moments it's like we're seconds away from kissing and other moments you won't even look at me."

"I don't feel anything about you. I thought we were finally starting to be friends but I was mistaken." I pulled my blanket over myself. "Go, please."

I heard him step into my bathroom then leave my room. I got up and went into the bathroom and saw his necklace on the counter. I left it there and laid back down.


It was Sunday and I just wanted to get last nights antics off my mind so I went to the Dingo to grab a bite to eat. I was sitting alone when three girls joined me at my table and it wasn't until I looked up that I noticed it was Sylvia, Sandy and Evie.

"We're sorry," Sandy opened the conversation. "Our boyfriends yelled at us about targeting you and we just thought you were trying to-"

"I don't care," I huffed. "Is this you guys trying to make friends with me?"

"Well, yeah," Evie nodded. "We felt bad after yesterday."

"I didn't do anything," Sylvia laughed and sat back. "She's after my boyfriend. I have a right to not like her."

"I can assure you that I want nothing to do with Dally." I sipped my cola and looked away, "I gave him back his necklace."

"I don't even know how you ended up with it," she stole a fry from my tray, "he only ever gives it to me."

"He just left it in my room on accident." I told her. "He put it back in my room last night but I don't want to step on your toes so-"

Sandy rolled her eyes, "Sylvia just needs to stop playing around with Dally."

"I like watching him run back to me," she grinned, "it's cute."

"If you're not careful he's going to replace you with Mona. Seems to like her a lot," Evie said to Sylvia, "start playing nice or you'll lose him to her."

"I don't like Dallas," I sighed. "We're not even friends."

"Whatever you say," Sandy shrugged. "I think you'd look nice with him."

"Yeah we know Dally's into brunettes," Evie touched Sylvia's hair. "And you're really pretty."

"For a Soc," Sylvia muttered. I noticed her start to get upset as the girls talked about Dally. She tapped her fingers on the table. "I don't care what you and Dally do together, but just know he'll always come back to me. I'm who he loves." She stood up and walked away. Her voice shook when she said it so I knew she was about to cry. The other girls noticed too because they got up and followed her quickly.

I groaned and laid my head in my hands. I need home. I miss my mother, so it seems like a good time to go for a couple day visit. Dally will probably be back with Sylvia by then and the girls would then forget about my existence all together. That's the kind of girls they seem like anyway. I finished my food, left a tip on the table and went home.

I called my mom first, "hello?"

"Hey, Momma," I smiled as I heard her voice.

"Oh, Jackie Mona!" She cheered, "how are you?"

"I'm not so good, Momma. I was wondering if I could come home for a couple days. I kind of want to just get away from the people here."

"Did something happen?" She turned concerned, "of course you can come, Mona."

"It wasn't anything specific, I just had some guy problems," I sighed, "I'll be there in probably twenty minutes. I'm just going to pack some clothes."

"I'll be waiting, Sweetheart," she said finally and hung up.

I began putting clothes into a bag. I can skip school for a couple of days, I mean it's not like I learn much while I'm there. We learn the same things over and over. I held my bag on my back and glanced around. I seen Dally's shirt and jacket on the floor still so I picked them up, also grabbing the necklace from the bathroom counter.

I went across the hall, knocked on the door but of course there was no answer. I sighed and went downstairs, put my bag in the trunk and his shirt, jacket and necklace on the seat next to me and began driving to the West Side.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now