Chapter 3

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Ponyboy, Steve, Two-bit and some boy who was introduced to me as Johnny piled into my car as soon as they realized they didn't have to take Two-bit's rusty old ride. They poked at the shiny seats and cheered when Steve revved my car.

"C'mon, guys, ain't y'all ever see a Mustang in person before?"

"We ain't ever been inside!" Ponyboy stared in awe at the interior. I rolled my eyes and pulled out of the parking lot. The boys noisily directed me to Ponyboy's house. It's a stretch saying we got there alive, but we did.

"Woah, Pony, bringing home a Soc?" I heard as I locked the car and the boys ran to the door. All except for Ponyboy who stayed back to wait for me. I smiled and looked to the door, then my smile faded when I seen who it was. This must be Dally.

Ponyboy nudged me forward, "That's Dally."

"Obviously-" I gulped. I walked forward as soon as Ponyboy did too. Dally finally laid eyes on me and his eyes widened as well. He put his cigarette out and went inside without a word.

Ponyboy chuckled, "he must have recognized you too."

"Didn't y'all say he just got out of jail?"

"Don't worry, he only bites if you give him a reason." Ponyboy laughed and walked through the door.

"Man, I gotta go to work," Steve whined as we walked in. "Mona, mind if I take your car?"

"I do mind." I shook my head and stood by the couch, "get to walking, bud."

"Fine, my girlfriend wouldn't be happy about it anyway," he pouted, stuck his nose in the air and walked out.

"Ignore him," Ponyboy shook his head and set his backpack down. "Don't mind the mess, Mona it's only me and my brothers living here."

"Really?" I crooked my head, "why's that?"

Ponyboy didn't answer, instead he walked down the hallway and I'm guessing into what is his bedroom. Two-bit came from the kitchen, "his folks died a couple years back from a train wreck. His older brother watches over him and their other brother."

"I didn't know..."

"You're fine," Ponyboy smiled at me as he came out of his room in a different shirt. "We just met I don't expect you to know."

"How'd you meet the chick anyway, Pone?" Dally said from the corner of the couch.

Ponyboy looked at him, looked hesitant to answer but did anyway, "she's in my history class, Dally."

"And why you be bringing a Soc home?"

"She lives-"

"I know where she lives, stupid." Dally snapped. "She's a Soc. The room she stays in don't change that."

"Ease up on the kid, Dal. Anyway, you ain't ever ridden in a car like that. It's another experience." Two-bit sat down with a beer. "How old are you, Mona?"

"Sixteen." I replied.

"She's just a year younger than you, Dal."

"She's a Soc." Dally reminded. "Y'all have seen what they're capable of."

"Im not dangerous." I asserted to Dally without looking at him. "And I don't know who you are, but I'm not any different than you."

Dally slowly stood up and walked over to me, stood in front of me and scoffed. "Funny how you think we're the same."

"I don't know why you hate me."

"So I have a rich daddy who gives me everything at my very beck and call? What about a shiny black car, or nice new shoes? Do we look the same to you?" Dally shook his head. "You may live across the hall from me, but we are not friends."

I wondered why none of the guys were telling him to get away from me since he was so close and seemed so angry. I looked up at him and my palms started sweating.

"I didn't mean to offend you," I muttered.

"Well, Mona," Dally touched the knot of my shirt and pulled it tighter. "I suggest you leave."

I nodded my head and walked to the door, relived to be away from him.

"Bye, Mona... see you at school." Ponyboy waved.

I got angry at him for not standing up for me, closed the door and walked to my car. Boys are... dogs. I got in my car and drove to Buck's. I went inside and Buck greeted me, but I just walked past the counter and up the stairs. I went into my room and began digging through my clothes. Anything that looked like I seen a Soc wear it in this town, I put in a bag. If it could pass as what I've noticed as Greaser fashion, I kept in in my wardrobe. The only friends I've made and Mr. Just Got Out of Jail ruins it all because of my clothes.

I don't care that they're less fortunate than my family. I'm not materialistic like Dally is making me out to be. That may or may not be every other Soc girl, but I come from nothing. My family wasn't always in the prime we're in now. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes once I finished with my clothes. Hopefully tomorrow Ponyboy can explain why everyone just sat there as Dally yelled at me.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now