Chapter 20

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I woke up to near pounding at my door so I rolled out of bed and opened it up. It was Ponyboy. I rolled my eyes and yawned. "Yes?"

"How come you keep rejecting Dallas?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and opened the door so he could come in. "It isn't because of me, right?"

"No," I shut the door and pulled out clothes to get dressed. "It's my parents."

Ponyboy sat on my bed, "but your dad loves me."

"But Dally just got out of jail and has the school attendance of a substitute teacher." I went into the bathroom and closed the door. "I really want to be with him, I admit that," I sighed. "But my dad likes you because you work hard and you have no record. Dally is the opposite. There is a reason you've never met my mom, Ponyboy. She doesn't want me dating anyone who isn't as rich or richer than we are."

"I think Meyer would like him," Ponyboy said. I opened the door and came out in new clothes. "Meyer is his age right?"

"Yeah," I brought my hair into a ponytail and wrapped a bandana around my head. "I think they'd get along as friends, but as soon as Meyer finds out that me and Dally have other intentions he'd hate him. Meyer doesn't care who I date because he doesn't want me dating at all."

Ponyboy sighed, "Dally was real mad when we saw him last night. I don't know if you could tell, Mona, but Dally ain't the same when you're around. He hardly takes his eyes off of you."

I went back into my bathroom and began doing my makeup, "I expressed to my mom how much I like him last night and I didn't get anywhere with her accepting me dating a guy like him."

"Maybe you shouldn't tell your family." Ponyboy suggested. "If that's what's keeping you and Dal from dating then-"

"If they find out I'm lying they'd cut all ties between us. They'd stop paying my bills and they wouldn't let me see Meyer."

"That might not be a bad thing, the money." Ponyboy stood up and watched me from the door, "your car is great, Mona but if you stop accepting their money maybe-"

"It isn't just about the money. I love Meyer and I love my parents. I don't want to be shunned from the family."

Ponyboy sighed and nodded, "I know... talk to Dally though. Maybe still introduce him to Meyer."

"That means Dally would have to get in my car, and while he does like me he still has this whole Greaser pride which trumps him ever stepping foot in my car."

"That's funny," Ponyboy chuckled. "He's jacked mustangs out of Socs driveways and school parking lots before but he won't even get into yours."

I shook my head and chuckled then finished my makeup. "What are we doing today?"

"Well we could take Dal to meet your dad and Meyer?"

I looked at Pony, "if you let it slip at all that Dally and I are-"

"In love?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. He chuckled and followed me out the door. We went across the hall to wake Dally and pitch the idea of him meeting Meyer. I'd have to explain to him how Meyer is and that he can't tell him about us.

Me and Pony knocked. I felt sick when I saw who opened the door. It was Sylvia. She was wearing one of Dally's longer t-shirts to cover her body and she smiled at me. I felt like I couldn't move. I just stared at her for a while.

"Dally, you have a visitor," she opened the door further and revealed Dally buttoning his jeans that he probably just put on.

"Oh my god- Mona," he rushed towards me but that's when I turned around and walked back into my room. Ponyboy was right behind me. Tears welled in my eyes so I walked into my bathroom and shut the door, locking it behind me.

"Mona..." Ponyboy groaned, "I'm sorry."

I didn't answer him. I watched myself in the mirror as tears fell down my face. My only thought was then how pathetic I felt to be crying over a boy who isn't even my boyfriend. We've had meaningless sex once and made out once. Yet I'm crying over him.

"Mona, come on I didn't know you'd be coming over," I heard Dally's voice at the other side of the door. "Mona open the door."

"You went back to Sylvia," I wiped under my eyes and looked away from my reflection.

I heard him trying to open the door but it was locked, "I made her leave, Doll."

"To think I began trusting you," I swung the door open and pushed past him, grabbed my car keys and left my room.

Dally of course followed but Ponyboy didn't bother at that point. "I was mad, Mona." I made it to my car and unlocked it, got in but Dally stood behind my car so I couldn't pull out. "Don't run."

I got frustrated and opened the door, "after what she said to you I wouldn't think you'd want that again!"

"We have history, Mona. I don't even like her like I like you anymore," he walked towards me and grabbed the keys out of the ignition. "It was a mistake."

"You know how embarrassing that is, Dally? Last time I saw her you almost slapped the shit out of her and when I expect you to open the door I want YOU to open the door! Not her..." I felt myself start to cry again so I put my hands over my face and leaned onto the steering wheel.

"I thought it was Buck. I wouldn't have let her open the door-"

"You still fucked her after you left my room!"

He sighed and his eyes softened once he saw me crying. He crouched next to the car, "I wasn't thinking..."

"Me and Ponyboy we're going to take you to meet my older brother but that isn't happening anymore. I'm not wasting my time on you if you're just going to keep running back to her."

"I'm sorry, Mona, okay?" He paused, "look at me." I didn't. I reached for the keys that he had in his hand but he pulled his hand away. "Mona, listen to me." He insisted. "I wouldn't have slept with you when I did if I didn't like you. I don't sleep with the girls my friends are going after but you were different. I wouldn't have tried so hard to keep you and Ponyboy apart if I didn't want you myself. I wouldn't have called you every chance I got-"

"So what!?" I shouted at him. "These gestures, what do they mean, Dallas? That you'll simply just run away when I don't let you treat me like the other girls you've been with? You'll not only run away but you'll run to your ex girlfriend?" I rubbed my hands over my face. "I've never wanted someone to be my boyfriend as much as you, but my mom was right. Guys like you don't think smart enough to treat a girl better than a dog." I grabbed the keys from his hand.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now