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The road was long enough to make Ian fall asleep on the backseat. I didn't blame him, he was tired from yesterday's match or his little adventure with the girl he was with, also injured. Phillip shook a glance at me. He looked quite concerned.

"But seriously Claire how's that going for you?"

"Which one?" I asked sighting.

He raised his shoulders.

"I don't know, everything. How's your dad doing? What about your night job? Did Ian stop with the illegal staff? Talk to me, you look troubled".

Immediately my mind flew to all the problems I was trying to leave behind. Truthfully I was happy to walk away from all these but just the thought of them felt like a burden.

"Dad's condition is getting worse and worse day by day. He won't admit it but I'm smart enough to realize. With us gone I believe they would be able to economically breathe, if you know what I mean but I'm still worried. Also thankfully I did quit my job after you contacted us about Solas na Ghel and how we got accepted but boss was furious. I won't be paid for my last performance and the money was a lot. But to tell you the truth, I don't even care, new life, new me. Ian's boss on the other hand was very supportive and also happy for him to be able to study martial arts at Solas na Ghel. He even gave him a bonus as an acceptance gift. I really am surprised at how good of a person his coach is, I almost can't believe he is enmeshed in this illegal mess".

"I see... this is good isn't it?"

I looked out of the window to the green scenery that was passing by. Were we going up a mountain? When was the Academy located again?

"For Ian it sure is. I'm so happy that I won't have to see him that injured ever again".

"Now that reminds me, was that a hickey I saw on his neck?"

I jumped at his comment. I almost felt embarrassed for him.

"You saw that?"

"Well, it's difficult not to see it". He laughed.

God, his laugh. So vivid, so innocent. Every time I hear it, makes me fall all over for him. I was never going to be able to tell him, so although it made me sad, I wanted to leave the things between him and I the way they're now.

"Excuse me Claire, but why the fuck does your boss treat you that way? Haven't you had enough of him? I would advise you to call him right now and demand your money!" He started getting angry, his voice revealed it.

Usually he would speak in a low, calm tone but now it suddenly became fierce. Phillip when he got angry he was able to scare even the mountains.

"I won't do it Phillip. Who knows what will he ask me to do if I oppose to what he says".

"Damn it Claire, how can you be so irresponsible? Why accept anything that dick tells you to do?" He took a sharp turn.

"Because I'm afraid, that's why. Have you any idea what kind of business does he ran?"

"I sure do. Does he expose prostitutes? Because I wouldn't be surprised if he did".

"Phillip!" I threatened.

"Yeah sorry, it's just that it drives me so mad you know? I was opposed to this from the start and you know it".

"Yeah, but I just couldn't help it..."

"Never mind that. Let's talk about something positive, tell me, what are you going to study at Solas na Ghel?"

I found myself smiling at the thought.

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