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"No," I said as I clutched my head. "This can't be."

Shaking my head, I rummaged through my bag again but came up empty for what I was searching for.

My diary.

I remembered stuffing it in my bag the day before I ran away but then how was it not there?

Then I remembered that I took it out again that same night to add some lyrics to my song that my mind had came up with and then I forgot to put it back in it's place.

I groaned lowly. This couldn't be happening. I had so much in that diary.

I had poured all my life story in it in just a matter of months since I started writing it. It contained accounts of my miserable school and home life and my songs...oh my songs that I worked so hard on. It was still there all.

By this time, they might've got to the diary, read it and burned it to pieces. All of my work, gone.

Tears pricked at my eyes at the thought. That diary was the closest thing to my heart. How could I have left it behind?

This was the first time I cried in two days. It was quite a record considering there was not one night that passed without me crying myself to sleep. It was a welcome change and I was determined to better my life from henceforth.

So what if my diary was not with me, I'd make another one. In a way I was glad I left it behind. It contained all my horrible accounts of the torture I went through daily and I didn't want to have it constantly remind me of the dark times. As for the lyrics of the many songs I wrote, I was sure I would remember them eventually.

My first plan was to save up on a guitar. I used to practice on Frida's guitar back from the place of my nightmares. Eli promised me he'd buy me my own guitar when he'd have enough money for it even when I repeatedly told him that I would never accept such an expensive gift from him.

Maybe after several days, when I was sure I wouldn't be tracked through them, I'd call them. I already missed them. I did tell them that I was planning on fleeing but they never really believed me. They were in for a big surprise.

I also missed Colin briefly and wondered if he'd ever notice my absence. The thought of not seeing him ever again hurt my heart but there was nothing I could do. I had to forget him. Maybe with time and distance, it would be easy and then someday I'd look back and shake my head at my past self, remembering him without feeling sad and hurt.

What was more important was that I couldn't get caught. Hence the reason why I also left my phone behind. This one was a conscious decision as Dan had some connections and he could easily track my phone.

I'd eventually have to get a new one. I didn't have a lot of money and it could only suffice for a few more days. I'd have to get a job before that. Preferably as a singer at a bar or a café because it would give me two advantages. I'd get the money and I'd get to sing.

I exited out of another café, disappointed that they weren't hiring. I had checked out a few cafés and bars but they were either not what I wanted or that they weren't looking to employ more people.

This café was a big and popular one so I had my hopes up that they might give me a job but they didn't. If was in  a posh locality and my surroundings were picturesque.

I continued down the road searching for libraries and shops that might be hiring but wasn't lucky enough.

There was a swarm of people huddled together outside a library that I didn't pay much attention to.

Just as I stepped into their line of sight, flashes went off and suddenly I found myself crowded by people with cameras. I panicked. They were throwing questions at me that didn't make much sense to me.

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