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I cringed as Imani shattered the silence with her outburst. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Braxton, what the fuck. You might as well drop everything and run a charity here," she admonished and I fumbled for something to do in the kitchen. In my panic, I tipped over a glass which was thankfully empty.

Reaching out, I breathed out in relief when I swiped it from the air before it could shatter on the ground.

The whole of Astronomical Beats was sat in the living room and me having felt awkward and intrusive around them, excused myself to the kitchen to help out. What I didn't see coming was for Braxton to spill about his upcoming plans for me to them. He had apparently expected a different reaction than what Imani had given.

"Imani!" Braxton's tone changed. He was surprised. "I thought you'd be happy I'm helping someone achieve her dreams. She deserves it. You don't know, she's very talented."

"I don't give a fuck," she replied. "Geun, Darius what do you think of this?! Would you have been so selfish so as to take advantage of someone's kindness like this? First Ajax and now this little opportunistic bitch," she yelled, not caring if I heard. From the sound of it, she wanted me to hear it all. I felt a sting in my heart at her way of referring to me.

"Don't call her that," Braxton's voice was low and I almost didn't hear him. "I really thought you'd be happy for her, include her and guide her but apparently I expected too much of you," he snapped. "Anyway I should've realized it was none of your business."

"Don't talk to me like that," she said severely. "Not because of some hobo you found on the street."

The cooks and maids who were working threw subtle glances at me to see my reaction. I was used to being ridiculed and treated below certain people but Imani's opinion of me mattered to me. Still, I kept a stoic face but inside I was holding back tears. It wasn't everyday your idol expressed their utmost hatred of you.

"Don't fucking call–"

"Imani," I heard Geun's sweet, soothing voice next, cutting off Braxton. "You're being too harsh honey. She seems nice, nothing like Ajax. I'm sure if Braxton has made this teaching offer from his teacher to her, then she really deserves it."

"Yeah, we all know Braxton is kind of stupid and blind as to when people use him but remember that the girl didn't ask him that, he himself offered. That means there's something special about her. You know how Braxton has a keen eye for talent," Darius said and relief washed over me at his and Geun's far less demeaning reactions.

"So what if he thinks she's talented?" She scoffed. "Let her find her own way. Let her know what struggle actually means! Were we offered such privileges when we started out? No! She's getting everything without even lifting a damn finger. Do you think she'll be proud of herself if she makes it big? It will always haunt her that it was because of him that she will have everything in the future."

"You're just jealous you weren't that lucky to run into a member of a famous band," Darius chuckled. "Seriously though, you're overreacting and being unnecessarily mean to her. Is the success getting to your head?"

"Shut up," Imani said and didn't say anything else. "But Braxton I swear to God, if you think of doing something this big for anyone else, I'm going to punch some sense into you."

"Don't think just because you're a girl that I'll hesitate in punching you back but fine whatever, I won't help anyone else, okay?" he said.

Imani clearly wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. "How is she even okay with this, accepting so much from you like a shameless golddigger? I knew she was one when she was prancing about the place like she owned it that first time before Braxton's birthday–"

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