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I kept track of their tour and every show was met with a great response. A lot of people attended the concerts and showed their love and support. I was happy for the members. They truly deserved all of it.

Mrs. Quinn was satisfied by my work at the library. I had started to warm up to Jude and Jade. I think I could consider them my friends now.

I had written many more songs. I was oddly very inspired everytime I sat with a pencil and my new songbook. The right words and lyrics just seemed to find me. I missed my old diary which was also my songbook but I was glad I left it behind. Writing in it meant facing all that I had been through every single time I opened the book. I wasn't ready for revisiting that pain everyday.

I could feel myself improving and my mind moving to a better state. I was starting to feel happy and I was not looking back on my old life. Of course, I had those occasional nightmares that would rob me of my sleep after but they were already starting to become less scary and that in itself was a blessing to me.

One evening, just as I had settled for a relaxing night spent watching TV and indulging myself in some ice cream, I heard the doorknob rattle. I froze in my seat. I was sure we were expecting anybody. Braxton was still away on tour. He wasn't going to be home until after two weeks.

I leapt out of my seat and one of the kitchen staff who was still around also looked at the door curiously. Sending my gaze, she moved to the door. "I'll check who it is." She said.

I too went to see our guest. We didn't need to open the door for them because they clearly had a key. I panicked, certain it was one of Braxton's family members. Who else would have a key to his house? Or worse, his girlfriend that he had managed to secretly date all this time. This was not going to be good.

When the door swung open, a man about Braxton's age sauntered in like he owned the place. He barely glanced at the kitchen staff and directly headed for the living room. I was standing a few feet away and he happened to notice me. I thought he was going to ignore me too but he stopped right in front of me.

"Who are you?" He asked and I was monetarily befuddled as I searched for an appropriate response.

"I-I work here. I'm one of the cleaning staff."

"I know everyone who works here. I haven't seen you before. Are you lying?"

I rapidly shook my head. "No, I started working here recently."

"How do I know you aren't a thief?"

"You can call and ask Braxton if you have any doubts about me. May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Ajax Cerullo. I'm Braxton's friend." He stressed on 'friend' weirdly. "And who might you be?"

"Julia Sanders."

He suddenly lowered his face to look at me directly. "You remind me of someone." He said and continued examining me from head to toe. I squirmed under his gaze. Then his eyes lit up. "You're that girl who's all over the news for months now. The girl who ran away. Some billionaire's daughter. Yeah, I'm certain it's you. So Braxton has been hiding you here all along? Wow, the media will devour this." He took out his phone.

"What are you doing?!" I couldn't help but raise my voice.

"Calling the police, of course. Guess who's going to get half a million as a reward for finding a runaway brat? Me. Yeah, Ajax Cerullo is going to be half a million rich today."

"No, no, please. You're mistaken. I'm not Juliet Jenson. I just look like her. Please, just hear me out."

But he ignored me and wouldn't listen.

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