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I stole Dan's keys to his motorcycle and left him fuming behind which was quite a lovely sight and I wouldn't mind to see him like that everyday. That motorcycle was a beauty. I was going to make sure that I bought it when I returned back home.

When I decided to go to school on behalf of Julia, I quickly put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black leather jacket with a white top underneath. I made sure to go easy on the makeup but not completely bare of it because there was no way I was going outside without it on. I really loved doing my makeup.

Taking the name of the school and googling its location on my brand new and expensive phone I bought out of the Sanders' money, I got on the motorcycle, wearing a helmet of course and took off towards the school. Harper had asked me sweetly if I could drop her to school because Dan did that everyday and because I was riding his motorcycle but figuring that they never gave Julia a lift, I agreed and when she was about to get on, I took off while laughing at her mockingly and flipping her off.

Soon enough, Westmont High came into view. I parked the motorcycle rather noisily in the parking lot which caught the attention of some of the students around who openly gawked at me. It didn't affect me much because I was used to such attention.

I was on time and I dug through Julia's book bag for the timetable she must have somewhere in it. I found it and the keys to the locker which had her locker number on it. Julia was a junior.

Making my way inside, two guys suddenly appeared on either sides of me. They were good looking but I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. Good looking guys were always good guys.

"Hey, you new here? I haven't seen you around. I'm Mike." He introduced, extending his hand for me but I ignored him.

"And you are?" I asked of the other dude. I hadn't stopped walking but they started walking alongside me.

"I'm Josiah. What's your name?"

"I'm not new here. I'm Julia Sanders. Are you seniors?" Surprise and shock was evident on their features as they stared at me from head to toe. "Can you show me the way to class?"

They shared a look among them and Mike nodded enthusiastically. "Don't you remember us? Yes, we are your seniors and we're your best friends. Where were you all this time? It's been a month and we were starting to really miss you."

"Really? Oh, well I missed you guys too."

They suppressed laughs. "Here, this way." Josiah said, gesturing to the side of the building.

"Where are we going? My first class is English. Shouldn't it be inside the building?"

"It's just at the back of the building. Come on, we've got to show you something."

Alarm bells rang in my head. "No." I stopped walking abruptly. "I'm not going there."

"We're almost there! Let's go." Mike tried to persuade as he grabbed my arm and Josiah put a hand on my shoulder.

I shook them off of me. I didn't know if they were really her friends but I was getting bad vibes from them. "I'm leaving."

Josiah's eyes narrowed on me. "I said you're coming with us, so it means that you are coming with us."

All at once the two grabbed my arms on both sides in a firm grip and started dragging me towards the back of the building. I lost my footing but they didn't care if my knees were scraping on the hard ground or if my circulation was cut off by their grip on me.

I got to my feet and ran forward, hooking my leg to Josiah's left leg and shoving him forward. He was stronger than Mike so I had to take him down first. He fell down on his stomach and I stepped on his shoulder and used his grip on my arm to twist his own arm behind his back, making him let out a painful cry.

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