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I was waiting for a message from Millie but didn't get it for days. She told me she'd contact me when she found the letter and I wasn't having high hopes about it, after all it has been years. She might've thrown it away without realizing.

Money had started to accumulate in my new bank account and I estimated it would take me five more months to have enough money to afford professional training. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to a music school. It certainly had its benefits but with some unofficial training I was sure I would get by on my own merit.

I didn't really have a career goal currently which wasn't a good thing because I need to be focused on something and work for it. I didn't want to wander from one thing to the other.

I knew that I wanted to be someone like Braxton. I wanted to be a famous singer, probably get really lucky like him and get signed up with a company. Being in a band wouldn't be too bad. It would be a good start. It would make me better for when I decide to go solo. I just needed a talent company to notice me.

At the same time being a music teacher was also appealing. But that would require some formal degree for that and enrolling in a full course music education would require tons of money. I would have to work for many more months just to have enough for the fees. I wasn't prepared to lose all that time.

Braxton had been gone for a week now. They were touring many cities and a few countries. He told me he would check up on me when he had time but after seven days of him being gone I was starting to think he just said that without meaning it so it surprised me when I saw that I had a missed call from him.

I had just finished another practice session with my guitar and was quite proud of my progress and sometime during that he had called and I didn't hear it ring.

I felt bad for not having taken his call. He must think I was arrogant! But I had to return the call so after much hesitation, I finally called him.

It rang a few times before a female voice spoke. "Hello, this is Maggie Form speaking, Astronomical Beats' manager. Braxton is busy. He can't talk right now. Is this urgent?"

I hadn't expected a woman to answer so I was befuddled for a moment. "Uh, I-no."

"May I ask who's calling?"

I stayed quiet. I was sure Braxton wouldn't want his manager knowing about me. I didn't want to create any problems for him.

"Julia? That's the contact saved. Am I talking to Julia right now?"

I didn't answer. I was panicking over what to do so I did the only thing I could think of to get out of this. I hung up.

She didn't call me back and I breathed out in relief. That was terrible. I was sure she was thinking of me as some weird girl.

To divert my mind, I went into the kitchen to eat something. After a gruelling practice session, I was famished. I purposely left my phone behind in my room so that it wouldn't remind me of what a complete fool I made of myself. But I couldn't stop myself from worrying about what Maggie Form must be thinking of me. It might seem trivial to overthink this but I just couldn't help it.

It was several hours later when I was in bed that I felt my phone ring. It was Braxton. I immediately picked up, not wanting him to think I was purposely avoiding his calls.

"Hello." I cleared my throat as my voice sounded squeaky. "Hi," I said more loud and clear.

"Hi, did I wake you up?"

"N-no, I was just about to go to bed. You didn't wake me up."

"What are you doing up at one in the morning?"

"I was just trying to finish a song I was working on."

"You sure are hardworking. I'm excited to listen to you sing when I get back. I actually called you before my show but you didn't answer. I hope I wasn't disturbing you. Actually tell me the time when it's okay to call."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't hear my phone ring. You can just text me and I'll reply as soon as I can. That way you wouldn't have to trouble yourself with the timing."

"Nah, I like to call instead of text. Texting doesn't really tell me much about the person. Hearing that person's voice is so much better. It tells me how they truly feel. You would know that, wouldn't you, how important listening to those words are instead of reading them."

"Yes, you've got a point there. I called you back after that and your manager picked up. Did I do something wrong?"

He chuckled on the other end and I found myself liking the sound. I smiled involuntarily. "No, Maggie's cool. She's just curious about you. I haven't told her. She'll berate me about it and I'll have to tell her. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure...if it isn't a problem."

"It's not. She's my manager so she thinks she needs to know everything about me."

"I see. So the reason why you called - I've always checked if the doors are locked at night. There has been no break-in. Your house is in perfect condition. I've cleaned daily so when you return you won't find a speck of dust anywhere. The cooks and the maids,  we all keep our eyes on each other. Nothing wrong or suspicious is going on in your house. Um...no one touches your belongings. You privacy is completely respected."

He surprised me with a loud laugh. "I didn't really call to ask that but that's good to know. But how am I supposed to know if you're telling the truth? What if you're just saying that but in reality the opposite is happening?"

"It's really not. I swear we're not doing anything."

"Show me. Send me pictures."

"Okay, I will. I'll send it to you now."

"Alright, I'll wait."

He hung up and I started taking pictures of every room. Once I sent them he immediately responded.

I want the pictures with you in it

I frowned, wondering what difference would it make.


So that I'm 100% sure

That didn't make sense to me but I obliged. After all it was his house and he had all the right to know that his property was safe when people he barely knew lived there.

Thanks. Good night :)

Are you convinced we aren't doing anything wrong here? Good night

Yeah. I trust you

I shook my head at his words. He really should learn to be more guarded. My experiences had made me cautious of people and there weren't a lot of people I trusted. Clearly he didn't have a problem with placing blind trust on people he had just met.

You shouldn't trust people so easily

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