150: The One With The Skittles

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I walk over to Veronica. "Have you seen Cheryl?" I ask her. "No! I was gonna ask the same thing." I take a deep breath. "She'a probably at home off her medication." She says calmly. "How the hell are you ok with this?!" I ask her. "Come on." We go to Cheryl's house. "She said she would pick them up, she must have forgotten." I take a deep breath. "Why did you let her forget to take them?" I ask her. "I thought she would get them! I can't get them for her that's illegal or something!" I sigh. I knock on the door. "Cheryl! It's me!" I say knowing she's on the couch. It's really comfortable and closer to the bathroom if she needs to throw up. "Cheryl! Can you at least groan loudly so we know you are alive?" She opens the door. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. Just give me a minute." She walks into the bathroom and throws up. We walk into the house and even though she's probably been in off her meds for a week now, her meds started to wear off about a yesterday or so. Anyways! She has already trashed the place somehow. "Start cleaning shit up." I say starting to clean up. Cheryl walks out. "Get dressed! We're gonna go pick up your meds!" I say frustrated. "I'm fine!" She says quietly. "Cheryl, look around. You've completely trashed the place! And not in the I had a party to piss off my parents trashed the place! You went off your meds and trashed the place because you had an emotional breakdown!" I tell her. "Now get dressed, we will go to CVS and pick up your medication!" I say slightly frustrated. "Now!" I yell. "I'm ok." She says quietly. "Cheryl I'm not asking I'm telling." I whisper. She shakes her head. "Ok that's it!" I pick her up and bring her to her room. "You smell, let's get you into the shower." I drag her to the bathroom and get her into the shower.

"Come on! You're not 5 you're 18!" I say trying to her get out of the car. "Yeah! I'm 18 you don't have control over my medical health." I sigh. "Cheryl! Come on!" I yell. "No!" She puts her foot down. "Cheryl, please get out of the car! I can't go in there and get them for you! You have to get them." I tell her. "I don't need them! Give me a week and I'll be ok!" She says quietly. "Cheryl, you're in high school, the second we graduate you can talk to your doctor and stop taking them, you need to focus!" I say slightly frustrated. "Get out of the car!" She sighs and gets out. I close the door and we go into CVS. "Oh! Skittles." I stop Cheryl. "Go get your medication!" I say quietly. She walks up to the pharmacy. I grab the Skittles and buy them. Cheryl comes back over. She shows me knowing I need to make sure. "Let's go." I whisper before leaving. "Oh I got you something." I hand Cheryl the Skittles. "I know you probably didn't actually want them but this is what you get for stalling." She smiles. "Thanks." She whispers. I smile. "I love you." I whisper. "And I want you to be happy but if you're not taking your meds as much as they might suck you have to take them! At least for now!" I tell her. She nods. "I know, I just can't stand being on them!" I kiss the top of her head. "Lets go home."

I look at Cheryl who's sleeping. "How's she doing?" Veronica ask quietly. "Why are we the ones who have to take care of her?" I ask her. "Because we're the only people she has." She whispers. I look at Cheryl again. "I'll ask again, how is she doing?" Veronica asks me. "She's sleeping off her meds, she has Skittles waiting for her. I think she'll be fine." I say quietly. "She was stalling by looking at the Skittles so I bought them because I thought it would be funny." I explain. "You guys are weird." V walks away. "I'll see you at school!" She yells "Yup!" I look at Cheryl. "You're gonna be ok." I whisper, taking her hand. "I love you." She whispers slowly waking up. "I love you too baby." I whisper. She smiles. "You hungry?" I ask quietly. "Not really." She sits up. "What woke you up?" I ask quietly. "You yelling." I nod. "Of course. How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "Like I'm on my fucking medication again." I nod. "So numb?" She nods. "You sure you're not hungry?" I ask quietly. "I'm not, but if you put food in front of me I would eat it." She smiles. "Pop's or Pizza?"

"Coffee?" Veronica ask as I walk into the kitchen. "I thought I would see you at school?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head. "Cheryl called me. Neither of you can cook and she was tired of cereal." She explain. I look at Cheryl, she just shrugs. "Coffee?" I shake my head. "No! I don't like coffee." Veronica gasp. "You don't like coffee?" She walks over to me. "It's gross." I say quietly. "That a load of shit. You have to like coffee!" I shake my head. "I don't like it." I tell her. "Also, Cheryl you shouldn't be drinking coffee." I look at Cheryl. "I'm ok." She smiles. I roll my eyes. "So what are you making? You know, since neither Cheryl or I can actually cook!" I ask V. "Pancakes." I look at her. "Of all thing! I can make that!" Cheryl looks down. "You burned them last time." She says quietly. I sit down and sigh. "Whatever."

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