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Zion was crying hysterically as they looked at the portal, which was banned for them so she couldn't cross it to look for her daughter.

"They are in obvious danger!" said Cara "I demand you to give us access!!!"

Entrapta was kind of scared because they were yelling at her, but her loyalty was greater than her fear.

"No, I won't! Catra asked me not to give anyone access and that's what I am going to do!" replied the princess of Dryl.

"Is our daughter, and our daughter-in-law and grandchildren!!!" said Zion "You're condemning them to die there!"

"Okay, calm down" said Bow "they are good fighters and Adora has the sword, they will be okay"

"Yes, that's why Kyle and Rogelio asked you to take care of their child while they are there" said Lonnie "I can't believe that some of you agreed to let themselves risk their lives like that"

"I didn't agree!" said Bow "But I couldn't stop them!"

"I am done with all of you!" said Lonnie.

Scorpia apologized and followed her girlfriend.

"Okay, who else apart from Bow, Entrapta and Hordak knew about this plan?" asked Glimmer irritated.

"I did and I fully supported it. Adora had to do this, I am concerned too but she needed it" admitted Micah.


"Okay, what's been done cannot be undone but we can communicate with them, right princess Entrapta?"

"No, actually we can't. This portal is fascinating but unusual, until they cross it back we won't be able to know how are they doing... Also this portal is not stable enough for someone else to cross it to check on them"

Cara left the room after that, not even Zion was able to stop her that time.  Zion, unlike Scorpia, didn't apologize to anyone in the room and followed her wife about as pissed as her.

"I don't think that they are letting it go" said Perfuma.

"No, they are not" said Angella "if they don't return safely I think that Dryl will be in extreme danger. If I were you, princess Entrapta, I would hide my baby"

"Would they hurt Glory?" asked the purple haired princess scared.

"Magicats are very territorial and vengeful" replied the angelic being.

That same night queens Cara and Zion found another reason to get angry an anxious. Entrapta had abandoned her intentions of studying that portal and she and her family had vanished.

"I'd like to say something" said Mermista "I am kind of surprised that she just left like this"

"She's the only one who can give us access to the portal!" said Cara "She has to come back NOW!"

"We dunno where they are" said Bow "but they had a pretty good reason to leave, they felt threatened by you"

"We lost our child, we wouldn't hurt someone else's child!" replied Zion, offended.

"The last time you got revenge of someone for hurting Catra you beheaded Shadow Weaver!!" replied Glimmer "You two are selfish and obsessive! You don't even give a damn about Adora, you just care about her because she's carrying your grandchildren!"

Glimmer was the third person that left the room like that that day, but the queens didn't let Bow follow her.

"You've worked with princess Entrapta before, so you must know how to work with portals. You must open it up for us" said Cara, as a command.

Bow got mad.

"You're not in position to give me orders, Queen Cara. I am the King of Brightmoon and I don't owe you obedience"

With that words Bow, Angella and Micah left the room. Followed by Mermista right after. Both queens cried looking at that portal that would lead their daughter back, hopefully.

Three months had passed with no news of Kyle, Rogelio, Adora and Catra. Pure agony. Entrapta and the whole royal family of Dryl were also gone since the day they vanished.

Cara and Zion hadn't returned to their castle, they spent everyday and every night in that room waiting for their daughter to cross it.

Life was continuing without them in a sad and uncomfortable pace. Veles was growing up without his parents and was with Lonnie and Scorpia since Lonnie had wanted it that way. Some voices had already stated that the four of them should be considered dead, but no one who was close to the missing ones was having any of it.

Glimmer was probably the most stressed one of them all. Since then she had lost her milk so she couldn't breastfeed Jaci, something that had made her even sadder but she couldn't help it. Bow had put his own sadness aside to support his wife and to find a way to know what happened to their friends but with no results.

One day Lonnie's water broke and they rushed to the healers to check on her. Her baby was coming. Despite of the sadness they all were excited for the new child that was going to born. Lonnie gave birth to her baby easily than they thought she would given the fact that it was her first child.

"He's perfect" said Scorpia.

Sasori was a pretty huge baby, with cute pincers and, according to Scorpia, the prettiest tail of all Etheria. The baby had female parts but they knew that it was a boy so they used male pronouns since the beginning.

"He looks just like you" said Lonnie.

"No, he doesn't. He's big like me and has my tail and pincers but he's a little Lonnie" said Scorpia.

"If you say so. I love you, silly"

"Lonnie you have made me the happiest woman of all the universe! I love you too!!"

Scorpia hugged and kissed her.

"Hehehe, be careful with the ba-"

Her voice died mid sentence. Scorpia looked at her and noticed that she had fainted, so she screamed and asked for a healer immediately. They took Lonnie's vitals and Scorpia freaked out when they began the efforts to resuscitate her. It felt like hours, the minutes passed painfully slow for Scorpia while she held their child.


That night Entrapta, Hordak and Glory returned and went to Brightmoon first to announce something important.

"Entrapta, you're back" Bow hugged her.

"Oh yes and we have exciting news! We managed to communicate with Adora! They are alright and returning home tonight. We must go to Purrsia to welcome them!"

Entrapta didn't notice it, but Hordak did.

"What's wrong?"

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