Just a Dream

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I jolted awake to the sound of Movie Villain Medley by Jon Cozart and raced down the steps of my loft bed to turn it off before it woke the rest of my family.

It was Sunday and we should all be up anyway but I didn't want my brother to know I set one of those weird parodies he put on my phone as my alarm.

I put on my 221B Baker Street t-shirt, blue jeans, a T.A.R.D.I.S. necklace, white flats with mustaches on them, and my denim jacket. I am a fangirl don't judge my clothes.

I brushed my teeth. I stood in front of my mirror and brushed my long dirty-blonde hair, even though I knew it would be a frizzy mess again before I walked out the door. My hand was shaking.

It was only a dream. I told myself again. I knew it was a dream.

But I still took the water gun from under my bed. I had filled it with holy water the night before. Well I had tried to make it holy water based off of the way they made holy water in my favorite TV show, Supernatural.

I'm a weird person. When I have nightmares usually I can just go back to sleep, but sometimes I can't because yes I know it's just a nightmare but it's still scary. I'm 15 so I know I should just get over it, but I can't. Those usually result in me finding my pocket knife and holding it in my hand under my pillow as I sleep. It stays there permanently now though. This time I had filled a water gun with holy water and it had stayed under my pillow with the knife. I'll say it again; I'm a weird person.

Just a dream.

I stuck the water gun in the pocket of my denim jacket anyway, along with my pocket knife.

Just a dream.

I could just try to convince my family to stay home today. But then I remembered I couldn't. My dad was teaching the youth Sunday school class today so we had to go.


it was just a dream.

:::time skip brought to you by John Watsons jumpers:::

Church had just finished and I had nearly forgotten my nightmares. Me and my friends Marcey, Alfie, and Ethan along with my brother had to stay after church today because our parents were in a meeting. Something about the upcoming year, 2015.

"To the youth room!"I said dramatically pointing in the direction of the youth room. It was where our Sunday school class was held and we usually hung out there whenever our parents were talking or in a meeting or something boring.

Ethan led the way brandishing his sonic screwdriver over his head while he held the button down so it would light up and make the sonic screwdriver noise. Ethan is one of my very few whovian friends. He's also the baby of our little group.

There's me I'm the oldest I'm 15. My names Maria by the way.

Alfie is younger by a few months so he's 14 and we are both ninth graders. His real name is Alfonso but we call him Alfie since forever and he doesn't have any choice in the matter. He's the tallest in our group.

Jason, my brother, is 13. Even though he's my little brother he is very tall, taller then me unfortunately, and he never let's me forget it. He's the second tallest in our group and I'm worried he's going to catch up with Alfie.

Marcey is 13 but a few months younger then Jason. She's a tiny bit taller then me.

Ethan is 12 the youngest of our group. Jason, Marcey and Ethan are all seventh graders. Ethan is the shortest in the group. He's the only one shorter than me.

"Boop" Alfie says poking my shoulder. This is a game we do this a lot. It's an ongoing poke war.

"Boop" I said poking him back.

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