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This is for nb people basically cause I know how hurtful it is to be called something you're not.

When someone misgenders you


°he instantly sees you wince at the assumption
°he holds your hands as he tells them to rather use they/them (very nervously)
°you smile at Izuku and thank him
°he gets better through the relationship to tell people off and supports you no matter what.
°just loves you for you


°doesn't say anything but gives the hints to people what to say.
°"yes they would like a milkshake, are you fucking deaf" "duh if course it would suit them"
°if someone is funny with your pronouns they ded bitch bye
°he always supporting your pronouns and loves you regardless of what you are


°he has misgendered you a few times and he feels really bad for it
°but when someone else does it he immediately corrects them
°"excuse me ma'am/sir-" "it's they/them please"
°same as bakugou just less hard when someone is mean to you, probs freeze a limb or something.
°if his dad has an issue he immediately says "I love them and you can't change them for it"


°he will protect you my child he shall
°he just shouts that and everyone listens tbh


°very chilled about if it happens if you are you'll most likely correct them
°but if you find it difficult to tell he does speak up
° if someone gets snarky he'll glare the hell out of them
°he holds onto your leg or hand if you get nervous.
°"your amazing for the stuff you have to put up with"


°10/10 would stab someone if they made fun of you
°"this is my friend they like MEEE and I like THEMMM"
°just takes a while for her to understand but completely listens and loves learning more about you.


°very chilled about it and doesn't take it to heart cause he knows you can back you up
°but if you find it too much he just stands behind you and puts a hand on  your shoulder "they go by they/them, use it before I turn you to dust"
°but if they start bullying you (omfg they be fuckin dead) they are turned to ashes
°he softly mumbles "I love them so much" when your acting aloof


I'm sorry if I made anyone uncomfortable with this topic, but if you have any advice feel free to message

Peace out


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