𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲-𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧🪐

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It had happened again. Somehow, everything had gotten out of hand. This had been the fifth time this week. Y/n found themself sitting on the floor of their living room, tears dripping down their face as they leaned against the wall. They and Lewis had just finished with another fight. It had only started with them nagging him, only for it to lead to Lewis walking out with the door slamming behind him.


    So I never really knew you, God I tried to... blind-sighted... Addicted...

    It almost felt like both of them were practically addicted to the chaos of it all. It was too common for them to get into arguments and fights for it to be natural. But as soon as the yelling would stat, it would stop.

    And Lewis and Y/n would quickly sort out their ways and move on. They'd always have a short honeymoon phase after they would apologize, everything would seem perfect and sweet for two or three days until something new would come up and the cycle would start all over for another time.

    Felt we could really do this, but really I was foolish. Hindsight, it's obvious...

    Lewis and Y/n had met in school, they had gotten along right away. They had become close friends, and a little after a year of knowing each other, Lewis asked Y/n out. As the years went on, both Y/n and Lewis had changed quite a bit, they had become their own people. At this point, both of them were completely different when compared to their 17-year old selves.

    Talking with my lawyer, she said; "Where'd you find this guy?" I said, "Young people fall in love with the wrong some people sometimes."

    Y/n could remember all the times she'd go out with friends and get away from it all. Most of the time she'd end up explaining everything that was going on between her and Lewis. Explaining would usually turn into a ranting.

    "Where the fuck did you find him again, Y/n?" Their friend scoffed as she looked through the clothes that were hung up. Y/n and their friend had gone out to do a little shopping. Eventually, Lewis had been brought up by Y/n talking about a shirt they might buy.

    "We met in year 12, (Friend name)," they let out a sigh as they shook their head. "Maybe I shouldn't get the shirt."

    "No, fuck him. You like the shirt? Get it! Buy stuff you enjoy, Y/n."

    Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay. You can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain.

    Both Lewis and Y/n knew their relationship wasn't healthy, yet neither spoke up about it. Earlier in the relationship, Lewis had thought it was all fixable, things could get back on track. But soon enough, Lewis realized the truth. He was scared to be alone, it almost felt like he'd be ashamed if he was single. He had been with Y/n so long, just the thought of being by himself seemed strange and off-putting.

    In the end, it's better for me... that's the moral of the story, babe.

    Y/n had gone through so many phases throughout their relationship, denial, anger, bargaining... all of them. They knew their relationship would soon be coming to an end, they just didn't know when... But once it'd be all over, Y/n knew they'd feel better. Everything that had happened in these last three years happened for a reason, it had built their character.

    It's funny how a memory turns into a bad dream. When running wild turns volatile. Remember how we painted our house just like my grandparents did... So romantic... But we fought the whole time, should've seen the signs.

    Earlier that day, Y/n had asked Lewis is he could help them paint the living room of their flat, which Lewis had agreed to. They had gone out to pick a color together, Y/n would constantly repeat themself, they wanted a warm color. The room had to feel welcoming and nice, maybe a soft shade of yellow.

    As they looked at the wall holding different cards of color, they both seemed to be lost int their own thoughts.

    "Y/n, I'm going to take another glance at other colors," Lewis hummed softly as he readjusted the glasses that held place by the bridge of his nose.

    "Why? I said I wanted to a soft yellow or creme color," Y/n's gaze snapped towards Lewis. They had been squatting down to admire the colors closer to the ground.

    Lewis let out a sigh, glancing up at the ceiling for a moment, "I know, I just wanted to take a look, Jesus."

    "I'm sorry, I thought you were helping me look for a good shade of yellow to paint my living room," they scoffed, turning back to the shades of yellow. "Do whatever you want, I'll do this by myself. I don't even know why I asked you to be here."

    "Jesus, Y/n... I already recommended a color to you."

    "And I told you I didn't want blue."


    Eventually,Y/n had picked out their color of paint and bought what they needed. Once they had gotten back to Y/n's flat, Lewis had helped them move their furniture into the hall and set up to prepare painting. While getting everything ready, there was a strange tension. It was almost like the both of them knew something bigger was going to come. They had stayed silent, fearing if they said something wrong, another explosive fight could possibly start. The couple had eventually decided on who would paint where and had grabbed their paintbrushes. Lewis was in charge of the left of the room while Y/n had power over the right of the room.

    Once they had started to paint, the tension had begun to leave the room. Maybe it was because of how they both had become focused on their work. Y/n had become quite interested in what they were doing, if anything was to disturb them, they'd easily become upset. And of course, Lewis had become a victim of it. Just from letting out a little cough, he had set them off.

    "Seriously, Lewis? Why do you have to be so fucking loud?"

    At this point, Lewis was finally done. He had snapped, he was sick of it.

    "Are you joking, Y/n? I only fucking coughed, give me a break! There are worse things I could do!" Lewis turned on his feet, facing Y/n, "You always act like I'm the shitty person in this relationship, I hate it! And to add to that, I'm done! This was the final straw! We're over!"

    An eerie silence followed after the words left Lewis's outh. He quickly began to collect a few of his belonging, leaving the paintbrush by the paint. Y/n's mouth gawked open as they watched him, they were actually speechless for once. Once Lewis had double-checked for his phone and keys, he made his way to the front door. Just before stepping out of sight, Lewis took one more saddening glance at Y/n.

    Almost without control, a few words left Y/n's lips; "please don't go..."

    Just from hearing those words, Lewis stepped out of the flat. As soon as the door had closed behind him, it had almost felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

    Talking with my mother, she said, "Where'd you find this guy?" Said, "Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes"

    As Lewis made his way out of the building, he called up his mother, ready to tell her and his father the news that he was now single.  Meanwhile, Y/n leaned against the half-painted wall, tears streaming down their face. It was all over now, but it was still sad to see Lewis go. They needed to realize things were going to get better now.

    They say it's better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all. That could be a load of shit, but I just need to tell you all...

WC: 1.3k+

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