Chapter 36

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.
(3rd POV)

After they have left the room to let Artemis and Apollo talk or get tortured by her twin sister as Aeon tell what is happening right now.

Inside the whole room luckily he made sure there was a barrier on every furniture within the room so they won't be able to destroy them.

As Artemis would go and beat up her sorry excuse of a brother as she does not like him flirting with one of the girls in her hunt.

As she would not hesitate to beat them a up if they ever try to woe or flirt with her hunt.

And it is not a good thing to face a woman wrath but for Aeon he isnt much afraid of it.

Well mostly do to the fact that he is part of the void that made him numb to feel at fear at all.

Well now he can still feel fear but mostly it is for Atalanta and Alaya.

And speaking of the other girl fight now Alaya is in his room within the ship.

And is playing call of duty future warfare where the girl is litteraly.

Making all other multiplier people right now have an headache as they are being killed by her easily.

And some are even cursing at her to even give them a chance to kill am opponent.

But unlucky for them the will of mankind does not give them any kind of respond or even gives attention to what they are seeing.

As the girl is enjoying herself on having a killing spree right now and there is nothing they could do to stop her.

And could only curse there luck that they are fighting someone like her.

Anyways right now we could see Aeon and Atalanta heading to the outside of the ship right now.

As they are walking down the hallway that leads to a nearby exit that they can use to stand outside.

Atalanta: I can't believe that lady Artemis really agree to let me live the hung.

Atalanta said with happiness on her face right now as she hugs Aeon who was smiling on seeing her happy face right now.

Aeon: well you should be happy about on me going to watch you fight with Ares in just a few weeks from now.

Aeon said as Atalanta nodded at this with a smile on her face.

Atalanta: oh that would be good hubby that way you can see as I beat him up.

Atalanta said as she imagined of her being Ares up before the wedding day as it would be a good shows for all to see as Aeon smiled and nods.

Aeon: well yes you are right but don't worry about Zeus if he ever see you as a threat I won't hesitate to stick that small piece of toy into his *SS.

Aeon said as Atalanta giggled when she heard this and said.

Atalanta: oh I am sure you are after all you always overprotective of me getting harmed.

Atalanta said with a smirk on her face as she look at him as Aeon only chuckle at this.

Aeon: dear I am only making sure you are safe if you ever got yourself hurt I am going to make sure you won't be able to leave the bed for months.

Aeon said as this made Atalanta blush when she heard this as she looks away from him and said.

Atalanta: don't say such a thing you idiot someone might hear what you are saying.

Atalanta said as she looks away from him as this made her cute on seeing her embarrass look right now.

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