Chapter 5

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I am so so sorry for the very very late update and I swear I have a reason, I got caught up reading a book that I couldn't put down so. We all know that feeling when everything just disappear and it is just you and the book...



He wanted to see her again, his mate. It was risky he knew that, but he had to. He crossed the river and there was she, sitting in that same field of flowers he saw many years ago. She had grown up so beautifully, her figure is becoming more like a woman's now and less like a child. He had to calm hinself down not to claim her right there where she stood. "Oh Catherine!" A voice mocked and he sees his mate go rigid. "What do you want Harold?" Despite him knowing that she was afraid, her voice was nothing but confident and he admired that. "Oh nothing much, I figured you might want some of me." The boy smirked and he wanted to rip him apart, that boy must have a death wish. "I don't understand?" Harold laughed while getting closer to Catherine. "Oh come now, you know you want me Cat." Two guys came from behind and tripped her so she would lie on the ground. His blood boiled, he wanted to rip them apart, but doing that now would cause alot of trouble. Harold untied his belt, his mate struggled with the two holdimg her down. By the looks of it they were having a hard time keeping her down. "Looks like I'll need to make this quick." Then again, he'd destroy everything if it ment saving his mate. Catherine closed her eyes, it looked to him as if she was linking her family. He didn't think they would be in time. He changed into his wolf, he growled. Before the guys could even react they were knocked out by him. His mate cried while shaking. He walked over to stand obove her and then she opened her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. She gasped, but she didn't move away from him. He could hear her family comming closer. He had to leave now! And then she stroked his fur, he couldn't move away from her now. "So handsome." She mumbled. He couldn't detect any fear from her as she lies beneath him. Her family were closer, with one longing look he dashed away.

Issac frowned,"No, this was not on our agenda. This will put us behind on work and you need to go home." He scold Julian, but he waved it off. Being scolded by his beta was a daily thing for him now. "It is just a long way on our road home Issac, I haven't seen them in such a long time and I don't want to face the wrath of Madeline. She can be quite scary when she needs to be." Julian shudder as if he was recalling a memory. He lays back in the car seat, not at all impressed. "I still don't approve Julian, this is irresponsible." Julian smiled, "Have you ever know me otherwise?" He smirked as Issac deflates. "Thought so." Little did Julian know why Issac was so affected by the sudden change in plans.

Catherine's face was covered in paint that the children, at the school where her mother worked, so kindly smashed in her face.
She usually helps out after she was finished with school to look after the children of the parents who were still working. "Look what you little bubbles did to my face." She pouts but the children just giggle while trying to hide from her. "We made you look pretty Cat." The little kids just smiled with their beady, innocent, little eyes. She couldn't help but smile back at those cute faces. She adored kids and helping her mom is always enjoyable. "Cat, play hide and seek with us please." How could she say no to those faces. They look like innocent devils. "Janey, ask Janice to take over we have important guest comming so I need you to come home." My father links me. "Yes Father." He didn't even replie back. She wondered who the guest could be. He usually tells her who it is, but not that it mattered anyway. She will know when she meets them. "I'm sorry kids, but I have to go now the Alpha needs me." They awed with pouted faces, but then ran off to play the game. She goes inside to find Janice watching a movie with the smaller kids. "Janice I have to go my father wants me home, will you be alright alone?" Janice was the other teacher that worked with her mother. She was young and graduated about 5 years ago from university. She slowly stand up as to not disturb the kids who is deeply in grossed with the movie, it looks like they are watching Shrek. "I don't have much of a choice if the Alpha wants you back, no problem Cat, hope all that paint will wash off." Janice smiles and waves her off.
Right, she hopes she can be in time when the guest arrives. She knows that a face full of paint is not very presentable as the Alpha's daughter so she needed to make sure she looks presentable before they arrive.

As fast as her legs could carry her she runs. She forgot her shoes, but couldn't teun back for them. She was anyway used to walking or running barefoot. Her sprinting seems to be in vain because she could see that there was already a car parked at the house. Now she needed to make sure she got in without other noticing. How hard can that be? Right?

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