TA.1, Cause he's Jesus Christ?

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Dedicated to aarna_mehta her comments really made my day♥


I lifted the basket of fruits. One down, two more to go. I carried the basket with ease to my mum's stall.

"Thanks, Mia. Don't worry about the rest, I'll pick it." My mum flashed me a weak smile. A tired one. Mum's always stressing herself a lot. But with all the stress, we could barely feed not to talk about catering for all other needs.

"No Mum, I'll get it. It's ok." At least it's the best I can do for her before leaving for school. No way will I leave her to carry those heavy baskets and still sit out here in the sun.

"Nonsense." She shook her head. "You'll be late for school and I'll can't allow that. Run along now that there's still time."

"Yeah Mum, but the school can wait." I stubbornly left to pick more baskets. She should know the daughter she gave birth to. Kira never goes back on her words.

Before long, I had dropped the baskets at her stall.

"Ha Mia, you shouldn't have done this. I could have gotten them myself." She looked at me with worry.

I just shrugged "Mum, no way will I let you bear the suffering all alone."

"You're so much like your father." She uttered quietly, her voice cracking. I already knew what was coming. She says that all the time and she's always resulting to tears whenever she does.

As predicted, a single tear slid down her face. Not again

"Mum, it's all in the past now ok?" I reassured, wiping her tears. "I'll be fine, stop worrying about me." I told her and she nodded.

God I love this woman.

I just hope he keeps her long enough to enjoy the fruit of her labor. She has suffered enough.

"Bye Mia," She finally said, beaming a smile and trying to act cheerful. "And be a good girl, ok?"

"Of course I will, bye Mum." I said, giving  her a peck on the cheek before leaving for school. The new school I wasn't looking forward to.

I mean, who likes being a new student?

I arrived at the school some minutes late but not that late though. Cause, thank God, I was quick to meet the first class on time. The teacher was yet to show up so I hurriedly took a seat.

The first teacher to walk in was a fat, if not overweight man. He had on a grey suit, a voluminous one at that. I could bet my last penny that the material of his suit should be enough to be used as my blanket. On his round face, sat a pair of spectacles with a mustache like that of those pirates in cartoons.

"You're the new student right?" He asked, drawing down his spectacles.

"Yes sir."

"So miss, can we get to know you more?" He asked, flashing an annoying toothy grin.

Here we go. Introductions!

"I'm Kira Bentley. I'm 17." I said quickly  and sat down. What's there to know about me?

"Ok Kira. Welcome to Dart wells high. I hope you enjoy it here."

Like I'm already doing.

I got a few awkward stares. You know  those kind you get when you're new.

Time for recess, I headed to the school cafeteria. I still got some more foolish stares from guys around. Well, when they're tired, they can take their eyes off me.

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