TA. 18, Whiskey

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After the visit to Kira's home, somehow I felt different. I can't explain the feeling, but I just know how it feels like. Somehow, I felt closer to her. And when I say close, it's way past lust. It's just an indescribable feeling I've never felt towards any other girl.

I felt closer to her enough to tell her about Aiden, something I've never shared with anybody else except Alec and Leo.  I don't know if it's the fact that she also lost someone to the God damned cancer.

And when she told me of her Dad the day we visited, I couldn't help but look at her in a different way. That day, she looked so fragile and gawd, she sobbed. I've never seen her sobbing before. The look on her face with tears in her eyes made my heart feel like it was pricked by a thousand needles.

I felt the need to protect her at all cost, even though it might seem impossible. I just wanted to protect her from her thoughts cause I know how depressing it is to lose a father. I couldn't live with my self for a while after losing Aiden so  I'm going to try everything possible to make sure she doesn't end up like me.


I walked down the school hallway to my class before I sighted Kira rummaging through her locker. I paused for a moment, watching her briefly. She had on a blue baseball shirt, an oversized one actually and a pair of grey Nike shorts.

"Hey B." I  said, walking up to her.

She looked up from the locker and smiled. "Hey T."

I laughed. "T?"

"What? you just called me 'B'." She shrugged.

"I was expecting you to call me 'B' too."

She furrowed her brow. "Meaning."

"Nah, forget it. What are you doing?" I asked, peering into her locker.

"Searching for my English note." She huffed, tossing more books around the locker. "And you," She turned to me. "What are you doing?"

I shrugged. "Staring at you," I peered once more into her locker and   stifled a laugh. "You know your locker is currently looking like a bird nest right now."

She turned to glare at me. "Seriously, bird nest again?"

I laughed. "Honestly, the locker is looking rough. There's no wonder you can't find your English note."

For a second, I saw her lips slightly curl up in a smile, then she faked a frown and stoned me one of her books. "Get out of here, you."

"Alright, Alright, I'll just leave you to your bird nest." I laughed really hard. Before I knew it, she was chasing me to my class.


During recess, as planned earlier, Alec, Leo, Jasmine, Kira and I went outside school to a local eatery.

We all sat around a table  and chatted away.

"Jasmine, right?" Leo turned Kira's friend and she nodded. "I like your hair." He smiled flirtatiously.

She blushed. "Thanks."

I rolled my eyes and Alec snorts. "Just go straight to the point and say you like her for goodness sake." Alec chuckled.

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