TA. 16, Friends

113 46 4

Kira 🐾

Seriously, I don't understand what's going on in my life right now. With the recent events that has unfolded in my life, I don't even know where to start from.

First, My mum's accident. Turns out it wasn't really fatal, well except for the excessive loss of blood, she's currently doing fine.

Secondly, the part I couldn't bring my self to believe was...

Travis saving my mum and apologizing to me!

In some kind of way, I thought it was a really bad dream that I could just wake up from and see that it's not real. But funny enough, the shit is real.

Like, I couldn't believe it. If someone had told me that was to happen some weeks ago, I would have laughed like never before. Seriously, who would believe that the almighty Travis Scott would apologize to a girl like me!

I don't know what got to him or is this his latest prank?

Come on Kira it can't be a prank!

Yeah, it can't. Of course I saw the truth in his actions. He's definitely changed. But what changed him?

My head running with thoughts of Travis that I didn't even notice the person in front of my locker, staring at me.

Soon, the person cleared his/her throat to gain my attention and that alone startled me.

In fright, the books I held in my hand fell to the floor. "Jeez, girl don't give me a heart attack." I exclaimed, bending to pack my notes.

Jasmine let out a small chuckle. "Why won't I do that? You were like lost in LA LA land and I needed to bring you back. What's on your little mind?"

"It's nothing really." I smiled.

"It's about mum right?" She looked at me with concern. "How's she?"

"She's fine. Getting better, thanks."

She waved me a hand. "Nah, it's nothing."

We were still talking before Travis and his two friends walked up to us. "Hey." Travis whispers, giving out his signature smile. His two friends acknowledged us by waving. I waved back, to Jasmine's surprise. She stared at us with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"What do you have for first?" Travis asks, inching closer. The smile never leaving his face.

I took out my schedule, as I don't memorize my subjects by heart. "P.E." I said smiling too.

"And you?" The brunette among the trio asked Jasmine. For a second, she snapped out of her dreamland and turned to him. "Programming." She rapped.

"Aw, it's such a pity," The brunette muttered. "I have English."

The other blonde among them, with hazel eyes chuckled and the brunette turned to send him a glare.

"Any ways, we'll see in class." Travis said, offering his smile once again before leaving with his crew.

"What..Wh.. Wha. What just happened!" Jasmine exclaimed breathless, her eyes wide.

I laughed. "Breathe, Jasmine. Breathe."

"Don't tell me to fucking breathe," She turned to me. "Since when did you and Travis start talking to each other?"

I shrugged. "Well, not that long–"

"Babe and you never told me!" She shrieked. "So you guys are like a thing now?" She happily asked, her eyes lighting up.

"No," I laughed. "We're not anything." I explained but she kept eyeing me suspiciously. "I'm serious."

"Oh really?" She pulled me to a corner. "You, my dear have a lot of explaining to do."


In class, just after the first period,  Travis and his crew sat at our back this time. But the thing is, they kept whispering to each other, loud enough for us to hear.

"Can you please keep it down." I turned to them, flashing my teeth for effects.

The brunette looked up with a grin. "Oh sorry, M'lady, but there's an important business we need to sort  here."

"Well, you can sort that after class. Thank you." I turned back around. Silly bunch!

Class ended and the three guys walz to the front and sat at our desk, the brunette with a stupid grin on his face. The other blond, held his usual straight face, no expression at all. What's with this guy and he's poker face?

I turned to Jasmine. "Ok this is creepy." I said in stage whisper, loud enough for them to hear.

The brunette cleared his throat and spoke up. "We're just here for a formal introduction. I'm Leonard, you can call me Leo," He pointed to the blond with hazel colored eyes. "Alexander, Alec."

"Hi." Alec said, a small smile on his face. I need to admit, that's actually the first time I'm seeing a smile on his face as I've always known him to be keeping a straight face like a rock.

"Hey." I smiled back and Jasmine waved.

"Well, I don't need to introduce this one," Leo points to Travis. "You already know him." Then he paused and looked at Jasmine. "Hey, I see you're a friend of Kira, what's your name?"

"Jasmine." She shyly smiled.

Leo nodded. "Sweet." He muttered.

For a brief moment, I saw Jasmine's face heat up and her cheeks as red as tomatoes. I mentally rolled my eyes. Jasmine!

Soon Travis cleared his throat. "Ok dude, I think you've said enough."

"But I was only just beginning." Leo whined.

I don't know if it's me but the brunette happen to be the jovial one among the trio.

"So Kira, how's your mum?" Travis asked, ignoring Leo.

"She's getting better now. Thank you." I beamed a smile.

"It's ok," He shrugged. "Um, you guys leaving now or what?"

I looked to Jasmine. "We might be leaving anytime from now."

"Mind if we drop you?" Travis and Leo ask simultaneously and we all laughed.

"No problem." Jasmine agreed, still laughing lightly.

"Ok till then, for the main time we'll keep you company." Leo announced, standing up from the desk to sit close to Jasmine on the chair.

As crazy as it sounds, I'm beginning to enjoy the company of these silly trio in front of me.


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Date: 23rd September 2020
Time: 10:25pm

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