TA. 39, Innocence

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I stared unbelievably as Mrs Crawford took out the documents from my bag. Or was it my bag?

No, it can't be. Maybe this is all dream, like a very bad dream that I'll have to pinch myself to wake up from.

The whole class was silent that even if you dropped a tiny pin, the sound would echo through the hall. The only noise that was disturbing the silence was from Mrs Crawford's stiletto heels as she made her way to principal Ramirez and handed him the file.

"Miss Bentley!" His gruff voice cut through my ears. "Start talking. Right now!" He demanded, his icy glare boring holes into my soul.

I stared back at him, dumbfounded. What does he want me to say? How are my even sure that's really my bag? It could be somebody's own for all we know. Maybe I mistakenly took someone's bag or the owner accidentally switched theirs with mine because I really don't understand what's going on.

"I said, start talking, Miss Bentley!" He repeated, his loud voice disturbing my ears.

I shook my head. "Sir, there must be a mistake somewhere. This is—"

"Oh you think we're joking here right?!" He interrupted.

"Sir, I don't think that's my bag. Even if it is, I honestly don't  know how the files got into it." Was this a big joke or something? Or is anyone trying to pull a silly prank on me?

"This is your bag, Miss Bentley," Principal Ramirez said, waving the bag in the air. "You think we're fools? We found this in your bag. Or do you want to say  it developed legs, left my office and walked into your bag? Do you!" He asked, zeroing his huge eyes on me. "You better have an explanation for this."

"Sir, you've got to believe me. I honestly have no idea–" I tried protesting. Why is this happening to me?

Who would want to do this to me?

Sure enough, I'm going to be expelled. And I can't imagine  what  would happen to mama if the news get to her. She's just going to die of heart attack.

"Now hold it there," The principal cut in. "I don't believe your story, Miss. Are you trying to fool me? Fool us? This was retrieved from your bag and it's solid evidence. If I were you, I'll start talking. Think about your education, your future.  Now tell me why you  did  it and I also want to know the names of your other team mates, I know you're not the only one. Who hacked into the school's database?"

For a moment, I felt like just pulling my hair out and screaming at the top of my lungs. If you're being accused of such a thing, what would you do?

I guess nothing would make the principal believe me. He had already labeled me 'The school's thief' and now he's trying to get information that I know nothing about from me.

"You don't want to talk, eh?" The principal asked, removing his spectacles and gently wiped the lens with a handkerchief before putting them back on. "I see you want to protect the face of your friends. Too bad you're going to pay for their crimes.

Now take your bag and leave. Don't come back here without your parents. From there we'll decide what next to do to you. I don't tolerate such insolent acts in my school." He finalized, glaring at me.

"Due to the unexpected turn out of event, you exams are now on hold until further notice. I'm so sorry for this but till we get those perpetrators, none of you will sit for the exam." He said to the class before  turning to leave,

"What!" I gasped in shock. This can't be happening. No, it can't be. I can't be getting expelled. So all the money spent on my education just went down the drain  like that?

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