🎈🌲Christmas Special🎈🌲

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The early morning sun shined through the window and fell gracefully upon Leo's face, the bright light waking him up. He groaned annoyingly and turned around in his bed, pulling the sheet to cover his head as he was freezing.

He closed his eyes again, slowly drifting off to sleep but an alluring smell entered his nose. He sat up on his bed. He and Alec had decided to spend the weekend at Travis's house since his parents were out on their usual business trip.

Looking around the deserted room, he knew for sure that the person in the kitchen must either be Travis, Alec or both of them. For some reasons, Travis doesn't allow the house help to cook his meals once his parents are out. He does it himself.

Leo stood up heavily and shuffled his way downstairs. His eyes were half open when he saw Alec in the kitchen, making omelette and pancakes. Leo's eyes watered at the sight of it.

"Goodmorning." Leo mumbled, moving to sit on a wooden stool beside the kitchen counter.

"Morning, sleepy head." Alec answered, beating more eggs into the pan.

"Hmm." Leo hummed. His head was now on the counter and he was half asleep. "Where's Vis?"

"I don't know. He went out to get some stuffs." Alec continued cooking. Soon he was done. He grabbed a plate and dished out two pancakes and two toasts. He walked past Leo and sat on another stool. Leo looked down and saw no plate in front of him.

"Where's my food?" Leo asked, turning around to look at Alec, who was busy enjoying his breakfast.

Alec looked up from his food. "What do you mean where's your food? There's a stove there, go and make yourself breakfast." And then he continued to eat.

Leo looked at him with an open mouth. "Al, is this a joke or something? You know I'm not good with stuffs like this."  He voiced out and he wasn't lying. Leo was a terrible cook!

"Then you starve. It's easy." Alec shrugged.

"Alec please." Leo pleaded.

Alec looked up from his food, amused. "Please what?"

"Please make breakfast for me." Leo said with a puppy  face for effects.

"No way!" Alec laughed. "I'm not doing it."

Leo, seeing that Alec won't lift a finger to help with his breakfast, groaned in frustration. He stood up, still in his pajamas and headed to the fridge. "Fine. I'll do it myself."

He opened the fridge and looked into it. Bread, milk, eggs, and alot of assorted fruits line either side of the fridge. Leo looked longingly at the toast and pancakes Alec made and sighed. Selfish thing, he thought.

He took out a  box of egg and proceeded to do some frying but no matter how hard he tried, the poor eggs keep getting burnt.  "How can this be so damn hard!" He yelled in frustration as he threw away the forth piece of burnt egg. His stomach grumbled. In ten minutes, he had ruined four eggs.


And he was terribly hungry. He looked at the blond haired boy, who seemed to be taking pleasure in his misfortune. Alec kept laughing the whole time.

"At age eighteen, he can't even fry a damn egg. How pathetic." Alec laughed. He was done with his food and he busied himself with his phone.

Leo stood behind the kitchen counter, red with anger, you could practically see smoke oozing out from his nose and ears.

"You're an asshole!" He yelled, glaring at Alec.

"You're an asshat." Alec calmly replied, his attention still on his phone.

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