TA. 31, Please Leave.

84 33 9

Listen to I don't want to go by Alan walker while you read.

Kira 🐾

"Travis, I've been calling you but you ignored me. What's wrong?" I asked, finally getting to their position. I ran after them from the school hallway to the parking lot!

"Oh sorry Miss, you called me?" Travis asked, acting indifferent. He was about opening his car before I got to him.

"Of course I've been calling you. Or are you going to say you didn't hear me?" I asked breathless. Why's he acting odd today? Well, maybe today's an odd day. I acted odd, now he's acting odd.

Travis kept mute, giving me a blank stare. His friends were looking at everywhere except me.

"Ok," I started when it was obvious he wasn't  going to say anything. Maybe someone pissed him off at home or in class. Whichever one, he's definitely not in a good mood. "My mum said you visited yest—"

"What do you want!" Travis rapped, cutting me off from finishing my statement. He was staring daggers at me. "I see you're suddenly tired of him aren't you? That's why you decided to come back."

I furrowed my brow in confusion. What's he talking about? Tired of who?
"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Travis laughed a little. "You don't understand what I'm talking about? You want to stand here and tell me you don't know what I'm talking about?" He  raised his voice in anger.

I stood still, observing Travis for a moment. Why is he acting this way? I don't even know who he's referring to. Or maybe he's just transferring his pent up aggression on me, cause I clearly don't understand anything here.

"Travis, are you sure you're ok?"

"I should be asking you that," He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Kira, for once I thought you were different. I thought I could trust you..." He said, his eyes glassing over with tears.

"Can someone tell me what's going on. I don't understand what you're talking about!" I yelled in frustration. This whole thing is beginning to creep me out. What is happening?

"You are the one going on!" Travis yelled back. "Sometimes when I look at you, I see an innocent girl but I never knew you were as dirty as a filthy whore. Slut, that's what you are!" Tears were now streaming down freely from his eyes.

A single tear slid down my eyes as I couldn't comprehend why he just called me those names. I turned to his friends who were now staring at the floor. "Alec, Leo please tell me what's going on." I pleaded but they kept their eyes affixed to the ground, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Travis," I return my gaze to him. "Please tell me what you're talking about."

Travis hurriedly took out his phone and tossed it to me. "How about you explain this!"

I caught the phone just in time. The air left my lungs for a moment as I stared at the content. My eyes almost popped out of their socket as I swiped to behold more obscene pictures. "No!" I gasped.

"Now you see," Travis chuckled sadly. "You think I won't find out? Turns out you were too high with your lover boy that you didn't realize that you actually sent those pictures to me. So tell me, he's a better guy than I am, isn't he?" He asked, a tear dropping from his eyes.

I stared back in shock. For a moment, I forgot how to speak. My mind felt numb and the throbbing in my head increased.

"I'm talking to you Kira, Answer me. Isn't he?"

"Travis, I didn't send this to you." I muttered.

"Then who did?" Travis sneered. "This is your contact or did you change it?"

Hurriedly, I dipped my hand into my pocket, attempting to bring out my phone and prove to him  that I was actually not the person that sent it. But unfortunately, my phone wasn't in my pocket!

I search my bag but it wasn't there either!

Then it dawned on me, I never saw my cell phone this morning. Whoever did this, must still be in possession of my phone.

"I...I.. Travis it's not what you think." I stuttered. How did this ever happen? I wasn't even close enough to the dude to give him that lap dance he was craving for, so how did I ever end up in bed with him?

I don't even remember going to bed with him. All I remembered was...

I don't even remember a thing!

   Turns out that mug of whiskey did more than I imagined.

"Then it's what?" Travis asked. "You just suddenly felt the need to get laid and he was your best option, right?"

"Travis, I didn't do this. You have to believe me." I pleaded but I knew it was pointless. The look on his face told me he wasn't going to believe anything I say.

"Then who did? You want to tell me that's Photoshop? Of course it's you!" He yelled.

Tears were now running freely down my cheeks. What did I get myself into? I drank that whiskey only for me to be stripped and...

No, No, No, this is only but a bad dream!

I pinched myself slightly to see if I was going to wake up from the terrible dream but  Travis still stood in front of me, meaning this whole scenario was real!

"Travis, I can explain. I didn't do this. You know I can't do something like this to you." I voiced out in frustration.

"I don't know you anymore, kira." Travis whispered. "For one thing, I think you're lying to me. And do you know what I hate most, when people lie to my face!"

I shook my head, my eyes burning with tears. "I'm not lying to you. I can explain, it's just.."

"Just shut up and get out!" Travis interrupted. "Go meet your lover boy. I know he's better than I am."

"Travis, please listen to me." I cried out, my head pounding furiously.

"Kira, don't make me do what I really don't want to do. Please leave!" He whispered, gritting his teeth as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Travis..." I made to touch him but he flinched.

"I said leave!" He ordered, pushing me away.

Dumbfounded, I turned and ran back, crying.

I need to see Skylar.

Reader: What just happened😱
Me: I don't know👀

Seems like their little thingie is over😔. But hey, the story's not over. Something big is coming.
Drop a star for me, will you?

Date: 7th October 2020
Time: 10:05pm

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