TA. 9, Sneak Trash into his bag?

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Kira 🐾

Oh look at my life!

Me, Kira, stuck, as in glued to a chair!


This is the last straw. Travis has gone far. Really far. What on earth does the dude want with me? What did I ever do to him? 

I lowered my head, slowly banging it on the table. Like wow, this is unimaginable. I can't wait to get up from here so I'll give that dude a piece of his own shit.

As if that's even possible. I mean, I can't stand up from here without ripping my precious leggings and... Wait

Maybe my butt. The glue might have seeped into my butt! Oh, those precious cheeks!

I looked around to see that the class was deserted, except for one girl at the far end of the class.

I'd seen her before, maybe because she was in most of my classes. Just that, I don't really know anything about her. We've not even spoken to each other. Not even an 'hello'.

I'm not saying that I snub her on purpose. I'm just saying that, she's too quiet for me to even notice her in classes.

She gave me a small smile then stood up and walked up to me. Was she mocking me?

"Um... Hi. I see you have a problem here." She said as she made her way towards me.

"Are you here to take pictures?" I asked, casting her an angry look. "Cause if you want to, I'd suggest you do that fast."

For a second, she looked taken aback. "Pictures? No!" she sighed. "I have a cloth in my bag you can change to. I know you can't get up from that chair without ripping your leggings, so I'm offering my clothes. I know you don't know me, but I'm just trying to help. By the way, I'm Skylar."

I regarded at her for a moment. "I'm Kira."

"I know. The new student."

Oh wow, I never knew I was that popular.

"I'll be back."  She got her bag from her seat and pulled out  black jeans and a black turtle neck top.  "Sorry, I know its black, but just manage it."

"Manage you say? this is more than enough. Thank you so much. I really appreciate."

Thank you lord for sending me an angel.

"Nah, it's ok. You can change, I'll stand by the door." She said and made her way to the door.

"Thanks alot." I tried to stand up, this time, with all my strength and I heard the leggings rip beneath me. My precious leggings. And oh my butt is safe, at least, it wasn't glued to the chair too.

I pulled off all my clothes till I had only underwear on. Thank goodness, I wore a presentable underwear. If not, I would have declined the offer of changing in class.

I mean, who wants to be seen in tattered underwear? I bet, you don't want to either.

I slipped on the jeans and the turtle neck. Gawd, it was damn!
It was even my perfect size, like she bought it for me and kept it incase of scenarios like this.

After dressing up, I turned to her. "Thanks again, um..." I tried to remember her name.


"Yeah  Skylar, thanks. I'm grateful. Don't worry I'll return your clothes to you tomorrow."

"Nah," She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. You can keep it. All I just want to say is.." She looked around quickly. "I'll advice you be careful around Travis. Don't even think of trying to prank him back. He's dangerous, like a very bad news." She said in a whisper, stressing the "very bad."

I was taken aback. "What do you mean I can't pay him back? Of course I won't hesitate to give him back what he's giving to me!" No way will I allow that he-goat off the hook so easily.

"I'll rather not do that if I were you. See, the thing is... When he pranks you and you try to fight him back, he sticks to you like a leach. You ignore him, he gets tired of you. That's the simple logic." She stated.

"Hmm. Ok." I nodded like I'm finally going to take her advice. While deep down, I was ready to show that fool the stuff I'm made of.

Kira Bentley, walk away without a fight?

No way!


I walked home, deep in thought. My head filling with all possible pranks I could pull on Travis annoying Scott!

Steal his clothes when he goes to change in the locker room for P.E, so he's left with his underwear?

Ha, that's not good. He can decide to wear the sports wear  home and trust me, no one would bat an eye lid.

Sneak trash into his bag?

How can I even get close to it?

Oh Kira, think, think. Your head is definitely not for fancy.

Stick a glue to his chair?

*Snort* He can sit anywhere! And I'll end up gluing an innocent student!

I was still thinking for a suitable prank that I didn't even realize when I reached home.

I sighted mum, sitting on a chair, outside the house. Why is she not in the stall?

"Afternoon Mom." I greeted, hugging and kissing her on the cheek.

"Afternoon love." She regarded me for a moment. "Te ves extraña, Mia." She spoke in spanish, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, I know. The outfit, long story. But it's not what you're thinking." I rapped out before she starts assuming something else, like most parents do.

She laughed lightly. "And how do you know what I'm thinking."

"Same thing every mother would think." I shrugged. "So mum, you came back early, are you alright?"

"Nah, I'm fine. It's just that," She sighed. "There was no much sales today, so I decided to wrap it up and come back home."

And there again, my life situations.

I went up to her. "Everything will be fine. Soon, you won't have to worry about staying in that stall again. In fact, a time will come when it will be of no use." I said, my arms around her shoulder. I just hope that time comes faster.

"Just be strong for me and don't stress yourself unnecessarily mamá. You know what," I gently picked her up from the chair. "You go inside and have a nice rest, while I go make something for you."

"Nah, I've done the cooking. Ve a comer  tu comida, Mia." She told me.

Once again, I love this woman!


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Date: 8th September 2020
Time: 9:37pm.


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