TA. 37, Leoxander.

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I'm currently listening to Photograph by Ed sheeran. It's not related to this chapter but I just think you guys should check it out😉

Kira 🐾

"The vertices of a triangle ABC are A(-3,-4), B(2,1) and C(5,-3). Using the cosine rule, show that cos B = √2/10 and hence find the sin B in surd form and the area of the triangle......., do anyone have any idea what this is?" Leo asked in mock horror, looking at the five  of us.

We were all in the library, seated round a table and trying to solve the one and only God forsaken subject...


One a normal note, no one, I repeat, no one would just feel like studying this demon of a subject, well unless if that person is a psycho. But the thing is, our final year exams are just a few days away, and being the serious students that we are (note the sarcasm), we decided to force ourselves to at least look through our notes.

I would have left the subject and willingly fail it during exams but this is final year. One little mistake and we won't pass out of the school walls, You get what I mean.

"Come on," Leo sighed in frustration when we refused to answer. "Am I not talking to human beings?"

"Well turns out the human beings here have no idea of  whatever is written in this textbook." Travis muttered and everyone giggled. He said the truth, we're all blockheads when it comes to algebra.

"God, I hate this subject!" Leo yelled, too loud that the librarian had to lower her spectacles just to send him a glare.

"Me too." Jasmine agreed, sinking into her chair.

Alec turned to her with a sad face. "You don't hate it as much as I do babe."

Travis sighed. "We're so screwed. F9 all the way. That's it, We're in a fuckery mess." He muttered.

Leo cringed. "Mind your language dude and try to be more of a pessimist rather than an optimist."

Travis gave him a pointed look. "Ok sorry," He clears his throat then smiled before uttering in the most annoying high pitched voice, "And I say we're still fucked!"

Jasmine snickered, Alec stifles a laugh, trying to look serious and I just couldn't hold it, of course I laughed out.

Leo glared at Travis before rolling his eyes. "You're a disgrace to men, honestly."

"Oh really?" Travis laughed. "For once Leonard is actually serious in his life."

"Dude, we're talking about our life here. I know you may be thinking of paying your way through but we are an exception. If we fail, we remain behind while your sexy ass will be off to college." Leo said, looking serious.

For once, the smile on Travis's face vanished and was replaced by one I couldn't read. "And who told you I'm paying my way through?"

Trying to ease the tension, I coughed. "This is actually my favorite subject." I muttered.

They all turned to me. "Then what are you waiting for? explain it to us." They chorused and I laughed.

"You guys are silly. So you actually believed algebra is my favorite? Hello I'm not mad." I laughed and they all sent me their signature glares.

"Ok let me see if I can help," I said when their eyes were practically melting me on the seat. "Pass me the textbook, someone help me with a pen."

Leo passed the textbook to me and Alec offered to give me a pen. He dipped his hand into his pocket but instead of a pen, a knife fell out from it.

We all gasped.

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