TA. 19, Closer.

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I don't really know a song to recommend for this part but anyways listen to Arms around you by XXXTentacion & Lil Pump.


We arrived at his house shortly. I stared with wide eyes at the magnificent building he called his home.

"You'll soon swallow a fly." Travis giggled.

"Wait, you live here?" I asked, breathless. In fact, the sight was breath taking.

He shrugged. "Any problem?"

"Its..." I couldn't find the right word. This place was like heaven. Gawd!

"Ok, it's enough. Before you bite your tongue." With a small laugh, he led me out of the car. Holding my hand, we walked to the front door of the mansion.

On getting to the door, he gestured me to stand at his back. He opened the door slowly and gently, then he peeped in, the same way you do when you're trying to sneak into a room and not arouse attention.

After peeping for some seconds, he turned to me. "It's clear." He whispered.

"What's clear?" I asked.

"Shh, don't make a sound." Travis instructed, holding his lips.

"What's going on?" I whispered. I mean, we didn't skip school (school is officially over) So why is he trying to sneak into his own home. Except if he's trying to hide me from his parents.

"Just don't make a sound." He said. Then he tiptoed in and told me to do the same, which I did without question.      Gently, he closed the door behind me and moved on, Of course I followed. For a moment, I took in my surrounding.

His house was of modern style. The living room was huge. Wide grand stairs that were white and sleek, filtered up to the next floor. My eyes scan the pieces of art that were dotted around the house, sculptures, abstract art, paintings and lots more.

We got to a mini door and he opened it carefully, then stepped in. Getting into the room, I noticed that it was the kitchen. A massive one at that. This room should be enough to serve a million people at once.

Huge kitchen wares, fridges, cookers line either side of the room.

"Kitchen?" I turned to Travis. "What are we doing in the kitchen?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Travis grins and heads for the fridge.

I felt a surge of relief, followed closely by a wave of anger. I can't explain how relieved I felt, but I also can't believe Travis just put me through all that. I mean, like seriously? I thought there were guards in the house waiting to spank us and he had us enter Ninja-style just so we could enter the kitchen?

"Should we be in here?" I asked. "Maybe we could go grab a snack at the local eateries?" If we had to go through all this suffering of sneaking in, maybe we're going to get into trouble.

"It's fine." Travis rolls his eyes and opens the fridge. "I can come here anytime."

"Then why did we sneak in?" I ask suspiciously. If he was allowed in the kitchen, he could have marched through the front door. He didn't have to freak me out and make me think we're in trouble.

"I like to make an entrance." Travis smirks and I eyed him. "Fine. Fine," He raises his hand in surrender. "If my parents heard us come in, they would have asked questions."

His look of mock horror made me laugh. "Questions like?" I probed futher.

"Who are you?" He shrugged.

"And who am I?"

"My Kira." Travis replied with a goofy smile.

I laughed. "Is that what you're going to tell them?" I doubt if he can.

"If it comes to that." He turned around and walked to the fridge. I walked up behind him and peeked inside the fridge. The top and middle shelves held a bunch of clear Tupperware filled with leftovers.

The middle shelf held a lonesome loaf of bread. Travis slides the crisper open and reached past an assortment of fruits and vegetables to grab an apple. He  took a large bite of the apple, turned to me and chewed loudly. "Apple?" He asks, moving the half eaten fruit to my mouth.

"No, thanks." I blush at the thought of us sharing just one apple.

"Suit yourself." Travis takes another bite and gives me a lopsided grin. He turns to close the fridge, and I got a glimpse of a bunch of cartons and cans
In trapdoors_ juice, milk, soda, sauce.

It's just different from our fridge back home. Empty.

"Do you want me to make anything?" I asks Travis.

"Nah, I'm good." He chuckles. He steps aside and opened a door I  hadn't noticed. I hesitantly followed him inside and a wave of cold air slaps me in the face. I shivered and rubbed my arms against the cold as I walked in. It's basically one giant fridge filled with perishables like milk, yoghurt, butter and egg.

"It's massive!" I whispered, clearly surprised by the size of the freezer.

Travis laughed lightly. "Massive enough for you to spend the night?" He looked at me grinning and I glared at him.

He chuckled and then moved on.

Travis walked across the room and turned to look at something at his right, his breath puffing out in a white cloud each time he exhales. The right side of the walk in fridge was stacked with meats, everything from beef, to chicken legs, to sausages and bacon. There was also frozen pizzas on one shelf and ice creams in a bunch of different flavors on another.

Travis grabbed a package of frozen chicken, opened the walk-in-freezer door and then we both head into the kitchen.

"I'll do the cooking." I announced.

"Nah, I got it." Travis insisted. He sets the Styrofoam tray of chicken on the counter.

"No, I'm doing it." I reach around Travis for the meat but he took it away from my grip.

"You," Travis said, gently taking me by the shoulder and leading me towards the middle of the kitchen. "Be my guest. Sit here and relax."

My shoulders tingled and I felt a jolt of excitement at Travis's touch and instantly tense.

"I'll be your waiter for tonight." He insists, grabbing a towel from the counter and making a show of draping it over his right arm. He executes an exaggerated bow just like a waiter.

"In the middle of the afternoon?" I giggled.

"Whatever." He waved. Grabbing two glasses from the shelve above the sink and setting them on the table.

"Can I get you started with some water?" He asks, winking.

I nodded, still giggling, then laugh harder when he came back with a two litter bottle of soda.

"The water filter is empty." He shrugged, pouring the soda into the glasses. "Plus, soda is better." He handed me a glass. Took his, closed the bottle and sets it on the counter next to me.

"Now watch me." He whispered. Then heads towards the stove.  Smiling, I took a slow, careful sip of the soda, watching him.


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Date: 24th September 2020
Time: 10:47pm

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