TA. 17, Trust.

119 43 1

Kira  🐾

"I think that's  enough, you should go rest now." My mum told me as I packed the dirty clothes outside to wash. I just finished doing the dishes and, so as not to be idle, I decided to do the laundry.

"Mum, it's Saturday." I told her, coming back inside to collect more clothes.

My mum sat up on the sofa. Ever since she got discharged from the hospital after her  accident, she had been at  home  (against her wish), recovering.

"So because its Saturday, you want to work yourself up to death?"

Sighing, I turn to look at her. "Ok, Mum after this one."

She should know that Saturday is a work day and probably, my free day. If I don't do the necessary chores, who would do it for her when I'm off to school?

After doing the laundry, I came back inside to clean the rooms. While cleaning a room, I heard a knock on the door. Dropping the broom, I headed to the door and opened it.

Behold, Travis and his crew stood outside. "Hey." They greeted in unison. I stared at them one after the other, surprised. What could they be doing here? How did they know where I live?

On a second thought, Why am I sounding as if I don't know who Travis Scott is. Of course he can get whatever information he wants.

Travis was on a blue hoodie and  black jeans. He has his hands tucked in his jean pocket. Alec, wore a green oversized shirt that matched the color of his eyes and  grey shorts. Leo, on the other hand, was the funniest looking one among the trio.

He had on a flashy pink shirt (and when I say pink, I mean pink like pink - pink with an inscription "ɮɛ ʍʏ ʟaɖʏ." on it and  black shorts. To top the funny look, he held a bunch of flowers.

"Are these for me?" I asked, laughing.

Travis pointed to the flowers. "You mean this?" He asked and I nodded. "Oh I wish." He chuckled.

"You know," Alec smiled. "I was going to bring one for you though. But I'll leave the whole proposal thing to Leo."

"Who's he proposing to? Me?"  I asked, puzzled.

"They're not for you," Leo laughed. "They're for M'lady. Is she in?"


Leo sighed. "Your mum silly. Is she home?"

"Oh, of course she is. Come on in." I opened the door wide for them to enter.

The trio entered and they greeted my mum, all bowing in courtesy. My mum, as she doesn't know them, asked me who they were and I explained to her saying that Travis was the 'superman' that saved her at the hospital.

On hearing that, my mum's face lighten up with genuine happiness. She regarded Travis with a smile.

"So you're Travis?" She asked and he nodded. "Thank you so much my son. I'm grateful." Her eyes glisten with tears.

"No, Ma, it's ok." Travis moved to wipe off the single tear that slid down my mums face. I just stood still and stared in awe.

"Mia," She called to me. "Go to the kitchen and make something for them, will you?"


The five of us sat at the dinning to eat.  Leo led us in prayer and we all helped our stomach. My mum told Travis and his friends to manage what we served (Lasagna) as we didn't have enough but they said it was ok.

"So what are the names of these cute looking boys here?" My mum asked, facing Leo and Alec after we've eaten the food and settled down.

"I'm Leonard Madison," Leo spoke up with his ever contagious smile.

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