TA. 3, Bird Nest!

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Kira 🐾

"Psst.. Jasmine, your note please." I whispered carefully so the class teacher won't notice.

A class was currently going on - Algebra, and seeing how well I love algebra (note the sarcasm!), I felt there was no need wasting my time all in the name of paying attention. Cause trust me, no matter how hard I try, anything algebra passes through one ear and flies out through the other!

Gawd, I hate the subject with passion!

So, to keep busy, I decided to update my note. You know, copy up those parts that I left vacant.

"Sure. Gimme lemme help you." She said, collecting the note to help. But that didn't go unnoticed.

"Kira and Jasmine, put away those notes. You can copy them later. Pay attention to this class or you spend the rest of the day in detention!" Mrs Morgan, Our teacher shrieked.

"Bad news." I muttered.

Against my wish, I had to forgo my note and 'pay attention' to the lame lecture.

I gazed at the board for ten minutes and when I got bored, I started to doodle a scrawny figure of Mrs Morgan. What else do you want me to do?

Soon enough, I heard murmuring then sharp whispers before some random girl wowed from the back. "There they are!" She whispered dreamily.

I shot my head up, only to see three guys waltz proudly into the class.

Travis annoying Scott and his crew!

"Oh God, they're so cute!" Jasmine whispered beside me and I rolled my eyes. Cute indeed.

Travis had this pissed off look on his face. Looks like someone pissed him off or something, who cares. Then another, blonde haired like him but his hair color was lighter, almost silver-like   and with hazel colored eyes, stared blankly at the class. No expression on his face at all!
And lastly, the brunette haired among them, wore a stupid smirk on his face.

Mrs Morgan eyed the three warily. "You're late, Travis. I hope you know that?"

"Yup, I do." Travis replied, popping the 'P' obnoxiously.

"Do you mind an explanation?" Mrs Morgan asked, arms akimbo.

"None of your business." He muttered and then strode off along with his friends to their seats, completely ignoring Mrs Morgan.

That action infuriated our teacher.

"I'm talking to you and you're walking away, where are your manners?!" Miss Morgan yelled.

"I left them at home." Travis stated simply. "And could you be a little quieter. Don't yell at me, please. I'm allergic to that." He said sarcastically before sitting down.

Pompous show off!

Mrs Morgan watched them for a while before turning back to the board, ignoring them like nothing happened and then continued with her class.

What level of indiscipline is this?
Isn't he supposed to be in detention by now or worse, the principal's office?

So they chose to ignore Mr arrogant so he can get even worse! I shook my head in fury.

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