TA. 14, Panic.

116 52 5

Kira 🐾

Have you ever felt the weight of a thousand pounds of water pressing down on your chest? Have you ever felt it battering against your airways, trying its hardest to force the air out of your lungs? Have you ever felt your life slipping through your fingers like sand, and you're too powerless to staunch the flow?

Because that was what I was feeling right now.

I ran madly to the hospital with a feeling of fear, anger and frustration. This can't be happening.

Fear, I really don't want to lose my mum. She's all I've got in the world. I can't afford to lose another. Losing Dad left a big scar in my heart, yet to heal, I don't think I'll be myself again if I lose mum too.

"What, how, where did it happen?"

"She got hit by a car while crossing the road."

I felt a surge of intense Anger, as I ran into the hospital, like one with no sense of direction; almost tripping over a nurse. I just don't know why terrible things keep coming our way, why we always have to suffer for nothing.

Just then, a lady in white overall, with a stethoscope hanging from her neck, walked out of a ward. I rushed blindly to her, almost tripping over her too.

"Where's she, please?" I asked, shaking with fear, tears streaming down my face.

"Calm down, miss," She said, holding my shoulders. "Who are you?"

"My mum.." I breathed. "My mum was brought here. She had an accident."

The doctor looked at me for a moment as if trying to confirm what I said. "You're kira?" She asked and I nodded repeatedly. "You're right on time. She had a fatal accident and she lost a lot of blood. Right now we need a donor, if not donors for her."

"What are we waiting for? Take mine please." I pleaded. I don't care the repercussions, as long as she'll be alive. Even if it means taking all my blood. I'm ready to drain my life force for her.

"It's ok. Let's go." She said, leading the way  to my mom's ward.

On sighting my mum, I almost passed out. Her skin was pale and bloody. She laid on the bed, lifeless. Her body was looking mangled up with the way it was covered in blood.

I rushed to her and held her hand. "Mum!" I cried out, shaking her vigorously. "Mum talk to me." I screamed. Not like it's going to happen any moment from now.

"Miss, you're only making matters worse." The doctor called out, rushing to pull me away from her. "Change into one of those," She says, gesturing to a cabinet nearby. "And let's begin with the transfusion."

Gently, I let go of my mum and got to my feet. I looked to where the doctor pointed, at a cabinet in the far corner of the ward and walked to it.

Inside, I find a pile of blue hospital gowns that match the patients, and slip one over my head.

By the time I return to mum's side, the doctor had attached a clip to her index finger, and the heart rate monitor next to her bed beeps steadily.

I chose a bed close to mum and settled on it. The doctor injected me and took a sample of my blood.

"I'll need to run some tests. I'll be back." She walked out, closing the door behind her.

Tears flowed endlessly from my eyes as I stared at mums body. I just hope she makes it out alive.

Soon the doctor came back with an IV. "The test is ok." She said, strapping an IV round my hand and connecting it to mum's.

"Just stay put. Don't move your body so you won't disrupt the flow. If you feel uneasy, don't hesitate to call to my attention, ok?" She instructed, giving me a small smile. I nodded.

Watching my mum for a second, I raised my head and watched as the doctor left the ward.


"Miss Kira... Kira.."

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see the doctor, or is it two? I think I'm seeing two doctors walking up to me.

"How are you feeling?" The two doctors asked in unison. In fact, it wasn't really two. For a while, I'll see just one, the next, it'll seem like the person just duplicated herself, making me see two at once.

"I'm fine," I replied hoarsely. "Just a little thirsty."

"Thirsty?" The doctor rushed towards me. "Okay, Kira, I think you've lost quite enough blood for one day."

"No." I try to push the doctor away. "I'm fine."

"Hey," The doctor snapped, and I looked at her. "I'm going to remove this IV. You've lost enough blood. If we keep up with the transfusion, you're going to die!"

"I don't care." I insist. "Please don't take the IV away."

"Miss, listen to me, we'll have to find another donor. We can't keep on draining your blood. Is there anyone else we can continue with."

"No," I shook my head, tears cascading down my face. "There's no one. Just me." I struggled with her. Though I knew it was hopeless.

"I'm afraid, we'll have to get blood from the blood bank."

"We don't have the money for that." I answered weakly, my mind fogging. Where does she expect us to get the money for blood. I'm still even thinking of where I'll get the money for her treatment and now blood bank? It's just impossible.

"Whatever way, I'm sorry miss, I have to take it off. We can't afford to lose both of you." She moved to take the IV but I kept pleading with her to leave it.

Just then the door flung open and someone hurriedly walked in. "How about you take mine?"

I and the doctor turned to the person and I gasped in shock, air leaving my lungs for a moment.

"Travis?" I muttered before passing out.


Writing this chapter was a little bit tricky. Especially with the blood transfusion part, I'm not a medical doctor😂. So if you're a medical practitioner, and you are not satisfied with the scene, please bear with me.

And there again if you enjoyed this chapter, can you make that star ☆ below add a little glow 🌟 by clicking on it.
thanks. Till next time peeps❄

Date: 20th September 2020
Time: 12:06am


Taming Arrogance ✅ {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang