TA. 38, Lost Information

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Dedicated to a new friend of mine  Jay_Breezy31 🖤 . Famz he's new here so please and please and please (I'm practically on my knees) go follow him. He has a new book coming up, so follow him for updates whatever💓


"I'm nervous." Leo muttered, looking around.

"It's ok to be nervous, I feel the same way too." Alec said, biting his fingernails.

It was finally the day of our exam and I couldn't help but feel nervous too. I mean who wouldn't? We don't want to fail.

"Just take it easy, you two, it's just exam. Hopefully, we'll write well." I said, trying to sound brave but deep inside, my conscience was laughing hehehe at me.

"It's not just exam, and you know it," Leo objected. "I'm scared."

"It's going to be ok." I reassured as we headed to class.

We got to class to see it almost filled with students. Wow, seems like everyone is prepared. Everyone except me.

I looked around,  scanning the class before my eyes finally settled on some set of people. Kira, Jasmine and Jenny sat at the far end of the class, their attention directed at the book in front of them.

I smiled. They were becoming close and I was happy. We strode over to their position.

"Hey ladies." Leo said, flashing his signature smile as we took seats beside them.

"Hey," They answered in unison.

"Seems like you guys are prepared, cause there's nothing in my head at the moment." I said, resting my arm around kira's shoulder.

Kira laughed. "And you think we understand what we're looking at here?" She pointed to the textbook in front of her.

"We're just trying to see if we can cram whatever is in this text." Jenny said.

"And so far it's not working," Jasmine admitted, closing the textbook.

Alec sighed in frustration. "We're screwed. I don't think—" He paused. "Oh no it's here." He gasped.

We all turned to see our principal, Ramirez and two teachers, Mrs Crawford and Mr Gustavo, walk into our class.

My eyes moved to Mrs Crawford, our school tech engineer. A deep frown was etched on her face and coupled with her heavy makeup, lipstick and long nose, she was just like one of those halloween witches they talk about in our bedtime fairy tale stories.

"I wonder what Mrs Crayfish is doing here." Leo mumbled and we snickered.

"If she's here to invigilate us then she shouldn't, cause I promise  to make it difficult for her." I grumbled. Why can't she just mind her business and face her job instead of nosing around.

Principal Ramirez cleared his throat. "Attention all, I know you might be wondering why we're here,"

Oh we know, to tell us of how we need to pass our final year exams and blah blah blah.

"I won't beat about the bush, I'm going straight to the point," Principal Ramirez continued. "Something unbelievable happened yesterday. Someone hacked into the school's account and deleted almost all the stored up information we have there." He said, his eyes roving around the hall.

We all kept mute and stared blankly at them. Who cares if someone hacked into their system? They should go sort it out themselves.

"Your exam questions were among the information we lost." He said, looking around once more and hoping to get a reaction but none came. If not, we were silently happy to hear that.

"Sir, isn't there a backup?" A student asked and I turned to send him a glare.

"Yes, there is," Principal Ramirez said.

I tensed up.

"But I'm afraid it's missing," He shook his head. "The typed up documents are missing."

I grinned with satisfaction. Now they'll have no choice but to postpone the exam. Whoever did this, deserves an accolade.

"Thank God!" Leo muttered a little too loud.

"Who said that?" Principal Ramirez demanded, his icy glare roving around the hall. The hall remained silent and he continued. "I know one of you did this and I'm giving you the chance to come out clean before it's too late. If you know you're the one responsible for this, kindly come out and I won't expel you. But if you don't and I get you myself, then it's game over. I hope you all know it's a criminal offense. Come out now and I promise not to do anything to you." He pleaded.

What a pathetic way to get the truth out of us.

The whole hall grumbled.  Everyone looking at each other as if to detect the culprit by mere looking at the face.

"Nothing?" Principal Ramirez asked and the hall became silent. "Alright, we'll do it our way. Take out your bags." He ordered.

"Oh, now they'll be searching our bags," Alec muttered. "They should be prepared to see strange things in it."

"Strange things like pants?" Leo muttered then snickered at his own joke. "I can't believe I said pants."

Alec shook his head then sighed. "Immature egg." He muttered.

Mrs Crawford or better still, Mrs Crayfish moved noisily on her stiletto heels to the first row. Mr Gustavo, to the second row. They kept rummaging through bags and tossing it back to the owners.

How great. Instead of an exam, we're having a bag-tossing-around exercise. Not like I'm even bothered, I love the distraction.

"Your bag?" Mrs Crayfish barked in front of me, spraying small droplets of saliva on my face.

Hold it there Miss, I took my bath this morning. I didn't ask for a shower!

Slowly and reluctantly, I made to bring out my bag.

"Hurry up with that." She screeched, glaring at me.

"Why are you staring at me like I'm the cause of your bad luck?" I asked, glaring down at her. Even with the heels, I was quite taller than she is, making me tower above her.

"What did you just say?" She demanded, furrowing her brows.

"Here's my bag." I stretched the bag to her. With a glare, she yanked it from my grip. After rummaging through and scattering the contents inside, she threw the bag to my face before moving on to the next seat.

Stupid crayfish!

"Easy, easy Miss, there's a raw egg inside!" Leo exclaimed as Mrs Crayfish took his bag.

I chuckled. Raw egg.

"Sir, we found the documents." Mrs Crayfish announced after a while. I whipped my head around to see her removing a stack of papers from a fancy blue bag.


Date: 15th October 2020
Time: 10:30pm

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