TA. 5, Proud Goose.

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Eric  stared awkwardly as she left, feeling ashamed of himself. Did she just  slapped him, like smacked his face?

If he hadn't been standing so close to her, if his whole attention  hadn't been on her waist, he might have seen the slap coming. Her palm flashed up and connected solidly with his cheek. Kira had delivered a tooth jarring slap to him.

That was unbelievable!

The last time Eric could remember ever getting slapped in his entire life was back in his fourth grade. A fellow student had taken of his shoe in class, probably to stretch his legs and Eric stole the shoe and hid it in the trash bin. Later, the boy made to wear his shoe but couldn't find it. He searched everywhere but to no avail. He later reported the missing shoe to the class teacher and the boy was scolded for taking off his shoe in class.

Before the end of that day, the boy found the shoe and somehow, realized that Eric was the culprit behind the missing shoe. They fought and that resulted to Eric getting slapped in the process.

Eric cringed when he remembered that incident. He was beaten 'black and blue'. He remembered back then when he used to be weak and fragile. He was constantly bullied in school and the owner of the shoe he hid in the trash bin, was one of his bullies. He did that to payback all that he had been doing to him but his little revenge scheme didn't go as planned as he ended up being beaten and even given a black eye.

All that was in the past. Now, no one dare try shit with him, well except for some top guys in school. Even at that, Eric was well known and respected in Dart wells high. So for one silly bitch of a girl to raise her palm at him and even graze it at his cheek meant she knew nothing about him or what he was capable of.

Looks like she has more rudeness in her than he expected. The girl is a real snub. A stubborn one at that. Well he's going to put her in her rightful place.

Soon, he heard footsteps and he sighted his friends approaching him.

"Hey bro, how did it go?" Rex asked, walking up to him, a basketball in hand. Ian and Cam soon came over.

"The proud goose just walked out on me!"  He huffed, his chest heaving in anger.

"Proud peacock you meant to say?" Rex raised an eyebrow.

"Err, actually it's proud peahen." Cam chimed in.

Eric shot them a glare. "I'm talking of something important and you guys are here arguing about birds?" Sometimes he just wonder what kind of fools he moves around with as friends.

"But you said proud goose." Ian said, air quoting the 'proud goose'.

"Shut up, Ian!"  Eric ordered, glaring at him.

"Sorry bro, I didn't mean to piss you off," Ian raised his hands in surrender. "But I'm not surprised she did that." He shrugged.

"Me too." Cam supported, nodding. His brown curls bouncing on his head.

"I heard she walked out on Travis too. So you've got to man up and forget the girl." Rex said, holding Eric's  shoulders.

"You're even lucky it happened when you guys were alone. Travis's was a public embarrassment." Ian stated.

And there again, Eric knew of Travis's failed attempt to get the new girl which still baffles him to date. It surprised him that a girl could actually ignore someone like Travis.

Against his will, Eric had to admit that Travis was by far the cutest boy in Dart wells high. And the dude's got money, like loads of it. Eric had always envied Travis, maybe because he's always getting everything he wants even without asking. Almost all girls in the school, even some boys (the faggots) were tripping for Travis and that alone irritates Eric. So it Surprised him that a girl actually ignored someone like Travis.

Somehow, Eric knew that she would ignore him too. For her to have ignored someone like Travis, his chances of getting her was slim, in fact as impossible as a camel trying to pass through a needle hole.

That wasn't even what was getting to him. If it was just that, come on.. She's not the only pretty girl in the school, he could pick her off later. He just felt like he had to compete with Travis, to see who would get the girl first.

"Can you believe she actually slapped me." Eric fumed. He couldn't even believe it himself. It was so sudden, he never had the time to think. One slap and he saw stars...

A girl actually slapped him!

"You don't mean it." Ian, Cam and Rex all said in unison, their jaws practically dropping to the ground.

Eric snorted. "You think I'm making this up?"

"Jesus, she did that?" Rex asked, his grey eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Dude, that bitch has gone far!" Cam wolf whistled.

"Honestly dude, No girl would slap me and still go scot free," Ian chimed in. "You mean you just let her go, just like that?" he asked.

Eric Chuckled and turned to them "And you think I'm letting her off the hook so easily? Of course she'll pay for her action!"


Date:18th August 2020


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