TA. 8, Sticky Chair?

226 134 15

Kira 🐾


You know the moment when you wake up and you just want to rest from the entire night of rests. I'm talking about, banging your head on the pillow and never wake up. Ever!

That was the only way I could describe what I'm currently feeling right now. Like gawd, I was more than comfortable. I felt like my body was against marshmallows and I was lying on a garden filled with wonderful tulips.

Only that, I'll have to end that sweet feeling by getting up from bed and preparing for school. Like, who the hell invented school?

That person must be a sadist!

Slowly and sluggishly, I stood up from the bed, walking like a zombie to the bathroom. My head lolling from side to side.  I better not trip over anything, unless if I want to have a horn at the center of my forehead. Of course, that's not the perfect way to start a boring monday morning.

I lazily took my bath. Sleeping for a while in the bathroom before coming out.

I selected a red tank top and a black stretchy leggings. Donning  matching sneakers. Grabbing my bag, I lazily headed for school but not before branching mum's stall to help her out.


I was late enough to meet the second bell, which signifies that it was time for.... *clears throat*

Ladies and Gentlemen- Algebra!

You know, my favorite subject (note the dripping sarcasm!)

I sighted Travis at the far end of the class, smirking at me. Thank God, Mrs Morgan wasn't in class yet or else...

I looked around for Jasmine but she was no where to be found. Guess she wasn't having algebra for second. Ha, lucky for her. I'll be the only one to die of boredom in this class.

Mrs Morgan entered the class later and everyone kept quiet. "I hope you all did your assignment?" She started and the whole class groaned.

Someone threw me a paper ball and it hit me at the back of my head. I glanced at the person who threw it, just to notice it was Travis. He had a huge grin on his face. He mouthed the word, "Hey beautiful."

What the hell!

Just when I was about to bend down and pick the stupid ball so I'll fire it back to the he-goat, I couldn't.

It was like an invisible force was pulling me back to the chair. After struggling for like five minutes, it dawned on me.

God please let it not be what I'm thinking. I looked down at the seat to see some funny liquid splashed on it.

I'm... I'm... I'm... Stu... Stuc... Stu.. ck... I AM STUCK TO THE CHAIR!

I went into panic mode immediately. My stretchy leggings were stuck to the chair and if I forcefully try to stand up, it would rip and my underwear would be on full display.

You hear that- FULL DISPLAY!!!

Why did I ever think of wearing a leggings today. God, why me?

I turned to the class, hopeful that no one else noticed until I saw Travis snickering at me.

Holy Moses!

Calm down Kira, it's not the end of the world

What is wrong with this kid? Why wouldn't he just let me be in peace?

If only I had a chance, I'll hit him repeatedly with a hammer. I'll hit him to the point that even if he dies, I'll still keep on hitting him!

Travis walked up to me. "Hey, this looks like mine." He picked up my note then examined it. "Oh sorry, it has your name on it. Come get it. What's wrong Kira?" he laughed out loud. "You stuck to a chair?"

I got stares immediately. It's like they've been expecting it. Quick, everyone took out their phones and started taking pictures of me. Some were even video taping it. I wish for the ground to just open and swallow me whole.

I had to squint my eyes because the flashes were almost blinding my vision. I had to admit, I kinda felt like a celebrity for a moment.

The whole class was roaring with laughter.

"Look at her."

"She can't move!"

"Move miss." Someone said, taunting me.

Since I still felt like a celeb, I felt I had to act like one for just a moment.

I started posing.

I crossed my legs and flashed a bright smile, showing all my teeth. Ensuring to change my poses constantly as I smiled at the cameras.

I am the celebrity and these are my Paparazzi!

I've never felt better in my life. One thing remains for sure, I'm killing Travis no matter what!

I wish I could stand up, walk up to him and smack him right on the face. At least, that would make him feel as embarrassed as I am right now.

"Pretty Kira stuck to a chair!" Someone jeered and soon the class followed up, chanting after him.

"Pose well for the camera, please. This is going to my status." Travis inched closer, focusing his phone on me.

"One step closer and I'll shove that phone up your ass." I spat, glaring at the fool.

"Feisty." He exclaimed. "How about you do your worse. Oh I forgot, You're stuck to your little chair!" He laughed, to the extend he was holding his knees for support.

After taking the pictures, "Nice shirt." He muttered, then  winked at me before walking out of the class.

I stayed back, fuming and glued to the chair as people took more pictures of me. They  got tired soon and started taking their leave, one by one. Dropping silly remarks as they left.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hit Travis's  head with a hammer!


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Virtual hugs actually☺. Wish I could hug you all in person😂.

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Date: 8th September 2020
Time: 12:26am


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