TA.11, Dunce.

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Travis 🐾

"Vis!" Leo called out to me.


"Travis!!" He yelled this time when I refused to answer him.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently, my eyes not leaving the television.

"Alec won't let me play PES with him." He huffed. Irritated, I turned to them, finally taking my eyes off the Tv, against my will.

"Alec, can't you both do things without disturbance?" I asked. I'm already getting sick and tired of their constant pesky attitude.

"Leo just called me a dunce." He spat, eyes shooting daggers at Leo. If eyes could shoot lasers, Leo would have been dead by now.

"I never said dunce, I said mums!" Leo defended, eyes darting around the room.

"Liar!" Alec huffed, voice laced with anger.

Trying hard to suppress a laugh, I looked at Alec, who was still glaring at Leo, then to Leo, who was shaking like a leaf. Judging the situation, a fight was about to start. And I can definitely tell Leo was at fault. I mean, what has mums got to do with their discussion?

"And why did he call you a dunce in the first place?" I asked Alec.

He shrugged. "Do I know? I wanted to play a game, and he, a different one. But it doesn't matter, I took the pad before him. And then he called me a dunce."

I turned to Leo.

"I only told him to go play in his duncedom...."  Leo defended.

"Making me a dunce!" Alec sharply interrupted.

"Ok Alec, its enough," I sighed. "We'll spank him later. For now, just allow him play PES with you. Please."

"No way!" Alec rang out. "He's not touching it."

Sighing, I returned my attention to the TV. "Suit yourselves." I said, making myself comfortable on the sofa.

"Travis, but I want to play video game." Leo whined.

"Then play it. Just leave me alone, will you?"

Just then,  a soft knock came at the door, before it opened and my PA, Jonathan walked in.

"Sir, here's the file you requested for." He stretched his hand with a file in it.

Without looking up from the TV, I gestured him to drop it on the table beside me, which he did before leaving.

"Dude, what's in it?" Alec asked, pointing to the file on the table.

"Check it out." I replied with a smug grin.

He left his position, walked up to the table and picked the file. "It says 'Kira Bentley'...." Then his eye widen. "No way! You did a background check on Kira?" He gasped.

Leo shot his head up, surprised. Then he whistled. "Interesting."

I shrugged, then gave a lopsided grin. "You're surprised? Of course you know I'll do that anyways. Turns out I don't really know much about the babe in question."

"May I have the honor of reading it out, sir." Alec asked with twinkling eyes.

"Granted." I laughed.

With glee, he picked up the file. "Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, the biography of Miss Kira Bentley." He faked a bow then cleared his throat dramatically for more effect.

He opened the file, then cleared his throat again. And again, and again, and again...........

"Dude, enough with that. Just go ahead with the details, please." Leo interrupted, the throat clearing starting to piss him off.

Alec glared at him. "I'm not clearing the throat for you."

"Yeah, I don't even need it," Leo scoffed. "You're just wasting our time."

"Am I?" Alec hissed, eyes glaring at Leo.

I cringed. "Enough of all this!" Turning to Alec "Just read the file."

Alec, casting one last look at Leo, decided to open the file.

"It says here, full Name: Kiersten Bentley," He narrowed his eyes. "So it's actually Kiersten?"

"And not Kira." I continued. It should probably be a nickname. This is getting interesting. "Go on." I urged.

"Ok, next, age: 17. Tall, slim, dark haired..."

"Check." Leo said in a bored tone. "Move on to the interesting part. We know all that."

"Dancer." Alec continued, ignoring Leo.

"Check." Leo muttered.

"She's a Spaniard."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Leo's eye widen. "I love this girl already."

I moved on my seat, obviously intrigued by the information. "Wow."

"Speaks English, Spanish."  Alec continued.

I nodded my head. "Ok, what about her parents? Any news on that?"

Alec flipped through the file, searching for the piece of detail. "Her mum's a petty trader, sells fruits at a mini stall."

I furrowed by brows. Sells fruit? That's... Are they?.... I thought....
Instinctively, I shook my head. "What about her Dad?"

"He...." Alec flipped through more pages for what seemed like ages. Then he gasped. "Oh God!"

"What's it?" Leo and I asked in unison.

Alec took in slow, steady breath before turning back to the file. "He's dead. Died of Cancer, colon cancer!"

Leo and I shared a look of horror for a brief moment before turning to Alec.


For a brief second, I felt remorse. This isn't right.

Getting information about her, without her consent, suddenly felt wrong. It's even surprising. I mean, she's not the only person I've done a background check on. But somehow, I'm regretting ever doing this.

Who knows what she must have been going through, and then I'm deriving pleasure in making her life even more miserable!

"If you ask me dude, I'd say we're doing the wrong thing." Leo said, with sullen eyes.

"Yeah." Alec agreed, nodding. "I'm no longer reading this." He dropped the file back on the table.

And I agree with him. I don't want to continue with that file any longer. Guess I owe kira an apology. That's if she'll listen to me and I hope she does. I just hope.

You're the real dunce, Travis!


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Date: 15th September 2020
Time: 11:15am

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