TA. 12, Complicated Complications.

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I sat in class, bored. Well, it's not just me, every other student could testify to that.

We've been in class, waiting our asses out for good twenty minutes but it seems like our teacher decided to take a break, as she's yet to show up.

Now this is what I get for coming to class early!

Tired of the whole situation, I yawned noisily. Opening my mouth out wide like a basket.

I know you might be thinking - can't you find something else to keep busy with?

I just wish I had. I could have been playing games right now with my phone. But sadly, the little buddy is dead. I was too lazy to power it last night. Now look where it got me!

And don't even think of asking me to read my note. I will only do that unless if someone decides to pay me. But out of my own free will?

Nah, it's not going to happen.

"Seems like today is our free day." I muttered. I was already getting tired of just sitting and staring at weird faces and blank board.

"I wish," Jasmine sighed. "I'm beginning to regret ever coming early."

I scoffed. "You regret ever coming early? I regret ever coming to school." Just imagine, by now, I could have been at home, helping mama, but I'm just here, sitting on hard wood without doing anything. Oh my butt is going to suffer!

Students around busied themselves with their phones. Some chatted away. While some, like me, just stared at the board, as if expecting something to magically appear on it.

Soon enough, students got bored and started leaving the class, one after the other.

Great! Now I'll kindly wait for my turn.

I was still debating whether to leave the class or not, before Mrs Morgan walked in with a sour expression on her face. She ran into a student that was equally leaving the class, a scrawny looking boy with glasses.

"And where do you think you're going Mr four eyes?" She demanded, eyeing the student.

"I...I.. Nowhere." He stuttered.

"But you were just about to leave the class. So?"

Nervously, the student looked around, trying to cook up another lie since she didn't buy the first one.

"I was actually going to look for you."

"Oh really?" She asked, furrowing her brow in suspicion. The student nodded. "Well then, back to your seat."

"So class," She turned to us, beaming a stupid smile. "Sorry for the delay. We were actually having a meeting in the principal's office and I'm here with good news." She squeaked out.

The whole class instantly kept mute, waiting to hear the supposed good news.

Mrs Morgan looked around and smiled again, happy to be getting our full attention. "Now tear a sheet of paper everyone, we're going to have a little test!"


My eyes widen in shock. Jasmine's jaw practically touched the table.

"Did she just mention test?" Jasmine turned to me in horror.

"Nah, I think we heard the wrong thing." I smiled, assuring myself that we really heard the wrong thing. I mean, test on algebra?

I'm so screwed!

The whole class waited, unfazed. They should probably be thinking what I'm thinking. How can we have a test we weren't informed about??

"Didn't you hear me," Mrs Morgan shrieked. "I said, tear out a sheet!"

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