TA. 22, Bathroom war.

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Dedicated to CherishKome


"Wakey wakey... Wake up, Kira." Someone whispered close to my ears, running their fingers smoothly on my cheek.

Sighing, I turned my head the other way, hoping the person would just go away and leave me to enjoy my sleep in peace.

The fingers continue to trail down my cheek slowly, sending a tickling sensation to my face. "Get up sleepy head." The voice whispered once more.

"Mum, don't tell me it's 6:00am already." I mumbled, eyes still closed. I was seriously enjoying my sleep and dreaming of the best thing ever. Why would Mum choose to interrupt my sleep today of all days? I bet it's not 6:00am yet.

I heard a laughter. "Mum?" The voice asked, amused. "Where do you think you are? Get up Miss, it's 8:46am already."

Instinctively, I sprang up from the bed to behold Travis sitting on it. He jumped back in fright, startled by my action. We looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Jeez, You scared me." I said, still laughing. God, I was still in Vivien's room.

"You scared me too." Travis replied, laughing too. "Don't you ever do that again. Are you a ninja?"

We kept laughing before we heard approaching footsteps.

"Where's he?" A familiar voice asked from the doorway before walking in. "Oh no, no, no, it's happening! Alec close your eyes." Leo exclaimed immediately he entered the room.

Travis and I turned to him in surprise, his eyes were closed and he equally covered Alec's face with his palm.

"Travis, we're so sorry. Alec let's go back. Did you see anything?" Leo asked, eyes still closed and Alec shook his head. He and Alec took backward steps, trying to leave the room.

I looked at both of them, confused. What could they be talking about?

Travis shook his head. "You two are idiots. Nothing is happening."

Alec paused, causing Leo to bump into him. "Dude, you just stepped on my toe!" He yelled then opened his eyes and looked at us. "It's true, Leo you can open your eyes now. Nothing is going on."

"Are you sure?" Leo asked, refusing to open his eyes. "Cause I don't want to see what I can't unsee."

I turned to Travis. "What is he talking about?" I naïvely asked.

Travis laughed. "Idiot, open your eyes."

Eventually, Leo opened his eyes and looked at me, then Travis. "Thank God," He sighed in relief. "What are you doing here, Vis?"

"I just came here to wake her up."

"Kira, you've been sleeping till now?" Alec asked with wide eyes.

"They probably did it last night." Leo nodded with a smug grin on his face.

"Did what?" I turned to him but he wiggled his brows at me, still smiling stupidly.

Travis sighed exasperatedly beside me. "For the last time Leonard, nothing happened."

"Yeah whatever," He waved his hand. "Kira darling, can you please go take your bath. We're late for school."

I stood up from the bed. "Ok." I guess I've forgotten that I still have to prepare for school.

I rushed to the bathroom. Getting in, I paused for a sec, marveled by what I saw. I swear it was made for royalty and not for a regular, poor girl like me. It's got a huge jacuzzi tub, sparkling marble counters, and a glass walled walk-in shower.

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