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"I say we go swimming." Travis suggested, looking around.

"No, we're going to the movies!" Kira objected.

Travis turned to look at her. "And why don't you want to go swimming, scared of water?"

"Yeah, like waterphobia?" Leo smirked.

The others laughed and Kira sighed.

"Leo, there's nothing like waterphobia. It's hydro phobia. And no, I'm not scared of water."

"What is it then?" Travis chuckled. "Scared of wearing a bikini?"

"Bikininophobia." Alec said, laughing.

Kira groaned. "You guys are impossible."

"Ok we'll place this on a vote." Jenny said.

"Yeah," Jasmine agreed. "Team Swimming, raise your hands; team movie, your hands down."

Quick, the boys raised their hands but the girls dropped theirs. With a look of mock horror, the boys turned to the girls.

"What! You guys don't want to go swimming?" Travis asked.

"Nope," Jasmine shook her head. "We're not."

Travis turned to see Kira smirking at him.

"Jenny," Alec turned to Jenny. "It's just swimming."

"I know it is." Jenny laughed.

"You won't go for me? Remember it's me." Alec said, giving her a fake puppy face.

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Yeah I know it's you, hunny but I'm not going." She said, turning to the other girls and they laughed.

"Jenny, should I kneel down? Please." Alec pleaded.

"You can lick the floor if you like," Jenny laughed. "I'm not going."

"So it's a tie." Travis admitted reluctantly, looking at Kira and hoping she would change her mind.

"It might not be. I'm no longer swimming." Leo announced, bringing down his hand. The other two boys stared at him in shock.

"Leo, what are you doing?" Alec asked.

Leo shrugged. "I said I'm no longer swimming." He repeated.

"But you raised your hands before?" Travis asked, glaring at him.

"I changed my mind. Come to think of it, what's the fun if it's just the three of us, the girls aren't coming. So, I'll rather go to the movies with them." Leo said.

Alec turned to send him a glare. "Jasmine," He turned to her. "Sorry to say this, but your boyfriend here is a big disgrace."

"To men and boys alike." Travis completed.

Jasmine held her chest dramatically.  "You just broke my heart."

"Awwn Baby Jay, don't worry, I'll fix it for you." Leo cooed, stroking Jasmine's hair.

"It was supposed to be a deuce!" Travis cried out, obviously still dissatisfied with the outcome of their little bet.

Leo stopped smiling. "What did you just call me?"

Travis face palmed himself. "No, Leonard, I said the word 'deuce' meaning it was supposed to be a  tie and it's all your fault." He glared at Leo.

"So you decided to call me a deuce instead?" Leo asked, obviously not understanding what 'deuce' meant.

Travis sighed. "Just hear yourself out, do you even understand what I'm talking about?"

"Yeah, whatever, I don't care. You're a deuce, Travis." Leo shot back.

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