Ta. 15, Apologies.

118 49 15

Travis 🐾

"I'm O positive, I guess it's the universal donor right?" I asked, looking around the ward. Kira's mum was lying on one side of the room, pale and bloody. While Kira lay next to her, passed out.

"And who are you?" The doctor asked, zeroing her eyes on me.

"Travis. I'm a friend of Kira." I let out without even thinking.

"Ok then, change into one of those." She said, gesturing to a cabinet nearby. I walked to it and looked inside. I found some hospital gowns, similar to that of Kira and slip one over my head.

After the tests and all, an IV was strapped on my hand. "Please call to my attention if you feel uneasy," The doctor instructed and I nodded. "Your friend here," She gestured to Kira. "Gave more than enough blood. Now we'll have to find someone to give her blood too."

I looked towards Kira and watched as Her chest heaved slowly with each breath she took. Her face was calm and she seem to be sleeping peacefully.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, hoping she could telepathically hear me.


Opening one eye, then the other, I slowly sat up on the bed. I felt weak. I raised my hand and saw that the IV was already removed. I looked towards  the spot Kira was earlier and noticed she wasn't there.

Slowly, I got out of the bed and walked out of the ward. A nurse sighted me and asked where I was going to and I simply told her I'm going out to get some fresh air.

Passing through the huge hospital doors and going outside, I sighted Kira seated beneath a tree.

Swallowing hard, I walked to her. It's now or never.

Getting to where she was, I sat next to her, very close. She turned and gave me a puzzled look but I quickly faced the ground.

Gawd, I can't hold her gaze!

We sat like that for some minutes, which felt like hours, before Kira cleared her throat to talk.

"Um... Travis, I–"

Immediately, I cut her short. "Kira I'm so sorry for all that I did to you. The prank, everything. I was only acting immature, like a stupid kid with no sense. Or maybe I'm stupid, yeah I'm really stupid...."

"Travis!" She looked at me, surprised.

"Wait let me finish. I know I hurt you really bad and I know you hate me. Well, I don't blame you. You have every single right to hate me cause I know I acted like a jerk, an asshole, an idiot..." I paused to catch my breath before continuing. "I just... I thought I had this stupid reputation to hold on to. You know, this foolish ego. And when you came, I thought... Screw it, I thought wrong. I thought maybe you were like the others, now I know you're not. I'm just stupid to not have seen it. I'm so sorry, Kira. I promise I'll leave you alone." I finally said, raising my head up to look at her but she stared wide eyed with mouth agape, gawking at me like I was a fool.

Damn, I never knew I could rap like this!

"Please say something, Kira. Please." I pleaded. But she still continue staring, her eyes glassy like she had been crying before. Those glassy eyes were piercing into my soul and I felt uneasy. I let out a jagged sigh. "It's ok if you won't say anything, I understand. Sorry for bothering you." I stood to leave but she called me back.

"Travis, I just wanted to say thank you for what you did back there. You saved my mum, for that I owe you." She whispered.

How ironic, I should be the one owing her and not the other way around. "No need to thank me. I did what I had to do. Of course I won't fold my hands and watch your mum die."

She stared at me for some minutes, narrowing her eyes to slits. "Why?" She whispered.

At first, I didn't get what she said, so I had to turn back and sit beside her. "You said?"

"Why are you doing this? One minute, you couldn't wait to make fun of me, the next, you're suddenly acting nice. I don't understand. So why are you really doing this?" She asked, focusing her brown irises on me which I was too ashamed to return the gaze.

A part of me wanted to let the cat out of the bag and utter:

I did a background check on you so when I found out about your dad, I felt like you didn't deserve any of those shits I was giving to you.

But I was wise enough to stop myself from doing it.  One thing is for sure, she's going to kill me if she hears about it.

"I really don't know." I shrugged. "I honestly don't. Please I'm sorry, for everything."

"Seriously, I can't believe this." Kira muttered.

"You have to, I promise it won't happen again."

She looked at me for a while before nodding. "Yeah, it's alright."

I know she's still uncertain but I wanted her to believe me when I say I've changed. I really don't expect her to forgive me so easily after what I did to her but I just hope she does.

"You forgive me?" I asked, dropping my voice down to a whisper.

"Of, course I do."


I know you guys are starting to look at Travis in another way. Turns out he's not really that jerk everyone thought he was. 

Whichever way, what do you think???
Drop a comment, Vote✨✨✨✨

Date: 23rd September 2020
Time: 10:25pm


Taming Arrogance ✅ {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt