TA. 44, Confession

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The hall was completely full, with every student and teacher crammed in. An emergency assembly was announced so everyone gathered to hear the latest news from the principal, some with enthusiasm, some completely disinterested, particularly the senior students. To them, the principal was about to announce the continuation of their exams, which they weren't looking forward to.

  The seniors and juniors were given the luxury of chairs; the freshmen and sophomores had to settle for a removable carpet.

Atop the wooden stage was Principal Ramirez, who stood behind the microphone stand. Behind him, stood Mrs Crawford, Charlotte and some other teachers.

"I'm sorry for the emergency gathering," Principal Ramirez said. "but a student walked into my office this morning and requested  me to call this gathering, saying she has something important to say to us."

Principal Ramirez held a hand back, gesturing to Charlotte behind him. "So Miss Charlotte, can you come forward and share to us what you have in mind."

Slowly, Charlotte moved to stand before the microphone, her eyes down as she was scared to look at the crowd. She bit her lips in an attempt to stay calm.

Travis, at the far end of the crowd, hands around kira's shoulder, snapped his head up, shooting Charlotte a deadly glare. With disgust, he watched her every step.

On the same row, sat Leonard, Jasmine, Alec and Jenny. Each with a blank expression on the face. Alec was even the one looking as if he would die of boredom just sitting in one place. His eyes roamed around the hall lazily, his hand, playing with the strands of Jenny's hair.

"Good afternoon everyone." Charlotte started. She cringed as she said those words. It sounded so forced.

A few students responded while the rest remained silent, anxiously waiting for what she had to say.

"Miss Charlotte, say what you want to say, please. You're wasting our time." Principal Ramirez voiced out impatiently.

Charlotte gulped then raised her head to look at the crowd. She immediately threw her gaze to the floor when her eyes caught sight of Travis with an evil smirk on his face. "A-about what... Concerning t-the s-s-stol.. Stolen exam files, Kira's innocent, I-I did it."

The hall gasped in shock. Principal Ramirez stared at Charlotte in shock, speechless.

"Sorry, we didn't get you. Can you repeat yourself." A student from the back of the hall shouted.

"What did you just say?" Principal Ramirez asked when he finally found his tongue.

Charlotte shifted from one foot to the other. She never expected things to turn out this way. "I said, I'm responsible for the stolen exam files, not Kira." She said, her voice echoing off the walls of the hall.

"You stole the files?!" Principal Ramirez  boomed aloud.

"N-not just m-me," Charlotte stuttered.  "Skylar and I did."

The hall gasped again. Her speech received a mixed reaction. Some looked at her with pity. Some glared at her. Some just looked at her with a blank face, one of those people being Alec.
He couldn't wait for the gathering to be over so he could snuff the miserable life out of the pig.

"Skylar Meyers?" The principal asked, not believing a word she said. Charlotte nodded in affirmation and Kira went mad instantly.

"You!" She yelled, ready to lurch at Skylar who was being called to the front of the stage but Travis held her  by the waist.

"It's ok, Kira." Travis said, struggling to hold her back.

"It's not!" Kira yelled,  struggling to break free. "Let go of me! Skylar you!" She yelled, pointing a finger at Skylar, who was too ashamed to look up.

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