TA. 40, Do You Trust Me?

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Dedicated to Midnight_Anxiety


"I didn't do it." Kira whimpered for the thousandth time beside me and  gawd, it pierced my soul. My heart burned and I couldn't stand the fact that she was  crying near me. Whoever had done this will pay dearly for it and I'll make sure of that.

We all sat at a spot far away from school. Everyone with a deep frown on the face, except Kira.

"I swear it wasn't me. I just can't–"

"Shut up, Kira, I know you didn't do it." I snapped out in anger, cutting her from lamenting the more. Her continuous bewail is only worsening the situation, making me even more angrier. She flinched and I immediately regretted ever snapping at her. No one would be going through this and still remain calm. My eyes stung and I felt a single tear slide down my face. So much for trying to act tough.

"Kira, I'm sorry," I sighed. I really don't want to worsen her situation by acting like a jerk right now. "I'm just.. Gawd!" I sighed exasperatedly. "For goodness sake, who's doing this?"

"I don't need to be told it's Eric," Leo muttered, his eyes fixated at nothing in particular. "That idiot really have the guts to strike again."

"This is all my fault." Alec grumbled and I turned to look at him.

"How is it your fault?"

"I should have killed him when I had the chance to. If I did, all this wouldn't have happened." He said gritting his teeth and balling his fist.

At the mention of the word 'killed', Kira's head shot up from my shoulders, where she initially placed it. "Alec, I thought we promised not to talk about this again?"

"Oh yeah," Alec replied in a monotone, his hazel eyes devoid of emotion.  "And I remember saying that I won't hesitate to slit his throat if he tries to mess with us again."

"That guy's an idiot," Leo muttered, a deep frown etched on his face which seemed odd as Leo was fond of smiling or smirking. "It's obvious he loves playing games. Well, we love playing too."

"But we're not hundred percent sure if he is the one." Jasmine groaned.

"If he's not the one, then who's responsible?" Jenny asked, giving Jasmine a pointed look.

"Ladies, ladies, let's not argue over this, alright? We'll figure something out." I said, looking around.

"Oh yeah, we'll figure something out." Alec muttered in a sarcastic tone.

"Alec!" I growled, giving him a glare.

"Fine, fine, I'm not trying anything stupid." He shrugged, looking away.

Covering my face with both palms, I inhaled deeply trying to calm myself. Trying to keep my sanity in check, I really don't want to lose it right now. At least not for something like this.

Unfortunately for me, due to my earlier stunt when I heard of Kira's supposed affair with Eric, during  my last visit to the hospital, I was labelled as a prima adonis with anger issues.

With my status, suffering from depression and anger issues at the same time was a bad thing which could  ruin my image.

If someone was to describe me, the word 'troublesome' won't even cross their minds. Well, maybe I've been a little troublesome to someone like Kira. Other than that, I don't think any other person could tag me as being troublesome.

How could they? I've been the picture of perfection ever since I learnt that people treated me like a god of some sort. And I prided in the fact that I was well known and very cute.

Play boy? I think this tag fits me more. Ever since I knew of how my cute face drew unwanted girls to me, I couldn't help but play along, moving around with everything on skirt until I met Kira. You don't expect someone like me with my cute features and all to be hooked up with just one girl all in the name of relationship, especially when they keep coming in loads. I had a quote back then, 'Give them what they want and they'll leave you', as simple as that. No strings attached. No 'I'm catching feelings'.

And I kept to it, moving around with girls and breaking their hearts, something I thought I could get away with.

But, sometimes, life can be a bitch and give you a fucking wake up call. Something that told me I wouldn't get away with everything I did.

Well, if this is their choice of payback, they should think again. I'm not that weak to succumb to such mediocre attempt at trying to break me.

The only thing I don't seem to understand is why the person keeps going after Kira. The bastard should have come to me and not try to hurt me indirectly.

Slowly, I looked down to my shoulder. "Kira, I want you to go home and pretend like nothing happened, alright?"

"No, I can't," She choked back a sob. "What am I going to tell my mum?"

"You don't have to tell her anything," I said, but she shook her head, more tears falling from her cheeks to my shirt. "Kira, look at me." I gently brought her head up from my shoulder, holding her face and looking directly into her eyes. "Do you trust me?"

She kept mute, her body raking with sob.

"I said, do you trust me?" I repeated, forcing her gaze on me.  I really don't expect her to but I just wanted to hear the word.

Slowly she nodded. "I do."

"Good. I want you to go home now or you can stay with Jenny. Just give me time, I'll figure this out, ok?" I said, watching how her lips quivered as she nodded.

"Jenny," I turned around. "Kira will be staying at your place for the main time. So you and Jasmine will take care of her till this shit is over, alright?" I said and Jenny nodded.

Jasmine picked up kira's bag and Jenny led Kira away.

"Now what?" Alec asked, his eye moving from Leo to me.

"Leonard, can you–"

"I know what you're about to say. Yes, I can." Leo said quickly, cutting me off from completing my statement.

"Good. I need you to find who's behind this, understood?"

"Yeah, I'm on it." He nodded.

Who remember this movie 'Teen Beach'? If you've not watched it, no problem. If you've watched it, do you still remember Bradley😏(or that's his name right?, It's been a long time since I watched it) Anyways, I know he's Ross Lynch and I'm currently listening to one of his songs 'on my own' It was also used in the movie😁
Ok, lemme quit talking about movies and go write the next chapter. Have a nice day/night lovelies💕💕

Don't forget to touch that little star below 🌠. Make it glow for me😊.

Date: 30th October 2020
Time: 5:36AM.


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