TA. 30, Hangover.

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Listen to Belly ache by Billie Eilish (Marian Hills remix) while you read.

Kira 🐾

I woke up to a terrible headache the next morning with the morning rays nearly blinding me.  I squinted my eyes  and slowly sat up on the bed I had managed to fall asleep. Looking around, my eyes finally adjusted to the dimness of the room. I furrowed my brows.

This was not my room.

I narrowed my eyes to slits, wondering what I was doing here. Then everything awashed through me - The loud music, the party, the wild teenagers, the stupid game of strip or dare, the strong scent of liquor.....

Did I really finish that mug of whiskey?

I looked up to see Skylar all dressed up for school and was applying makeup on her face. I sat up on the bed and she looked back.

"You're awake," She smiled. "I thought you were going to sleep forever."

"What happened yesterday? Did I really finish that glass of liquor?" I asked confused. It's kinda funny, but I don't seem to remember anything that happened yesterday.

Skylar laughed, dabbing her face once more with her powder before putting it away. "Of course you did, and you were as high as hell. Come on, go freshen up. It's late already. I'm off." She said, picked up her bag, car keys and left.

Sighing, I stood up from the bed but fell back. God, my head was pounding terribly. I stood up again with great difficulty. I thought of heading home straight but I was currently reeking of alcohol and mum's going to eat me raw if she finds out that I actually went to a party.

I went into the bathroom to washed my self, filling the hot tub with too much soap. After, I changed into the clothes I brought earlier to Skylar's house then took a cab home.

Getting home, Mum noticed my dullness but I attributed it to the fact that we had a late night study and I didn't get enough sleep, which she believed. I can't believe I actually lied to my mum but how can I tell her that her daughter didn't study last night but went to a party instead, a dangerous one at that. I cringed at the thought of yesterday. I won't accept any party invitation in my life ever again!

My mum told me of Travis visiting and I was surprised. How did he even know that yesterday was my birthday? That boy deserves a hug, I just can't wait to see him in school.

I took another bath at home, hoping the cool water would cool my head cause it was aching like hell. But it didn't subside, instead, it only made matters worse.

Frustrated, I dressed in jeans and a blue tee-shirt, grabbed my bag and went to school.

Is this what a hangover feels like? It's just terrible. If people get this kind of terrible headaches after drinking, I wonder why they still drink. Especially teenagers at that party... Goodness, yesterday was a nightmare.

"Kira!" I jumped back in fright, the action, worsening my already aching head. Jasmine walked up to me with a book in her hand.

"How are you doing?" She asked excitedly and I faked a smile.

"I'm fine, You?"

"Yeah, I'm great. Are you on your way to physics class?" She asked pleasantly.

"Yeah." I answered, absentmindedly pulling out my physics note from my locker before turning to face her.

"Great," She said with glee. "I have physics too."

I nodded, pressing the hard bound books I was carrying tightly against my chest.

At least it's physics and not algebra. I don't think I'm in my right mind to battle with Mrs Morgan's boring class.

Today, our teacher, Mr Simon, droned about electromagnetic fields. I would have gladly sank in my usual stupor of just copying  whatever he had written on the board or stare at my book or even stare at students around, trying to spot who has the most flashiest outfit. I tried to listen to the lecture with my head throbbing dully but I just can't. All I wanted to do right now was lie on a soft bed and sleep. I felt so tired and sore, and with my aching head, I just wanted to stretch my body.

I stared at the the board for too long that I didn't even realize when I  closed my eyes.

"Miss Bentley!" Mr Simon's barked and I woke up immediately.

"Can you state the Lenz's law of electromagnetic induction?" He asked, his eyes boring holes accusingly on me. Of course I was guilty of sleeping in his class.

I stood up slowly. "It's states that the direction of the induced e.m.f is such that it tends to oppose the change that produced it." I recited, wishing he would just tell me to sit down but he didn't.

"Fleming's right hand rule?" He asked again, still glaring at me.

"It states that if the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand are held at right angles to each other and the first finger is pointed in the direction of the magnetic field and the thumb in the direction of the motion....." I trailed off, trying to remember the last part.

"The second finger gives the direction of the induced current." Jasmine whispered beside me which I was quick enough to grab and say to the whole class.

Mr Simon regarded me for a moment. I know he's kind of surprised that I got it correctly. "Very well..." He said, clapping his hands and looking at the whole class. "Miss Bentley here got the definition of the laws that ... Blah blah blah."

I tried to keep my face neutral despite the fact that Jasmine was looking at me weirdly. She scribbled something on a piece of paper and wordlessly handed it to me.

Are you ok?  it said. I stared at it long enough, asking myself if I was ok or not.

Of course I'm not ok! I wanted to scream. I'm not ok because of my  pounding head. I'm not ok  because my mind kept playing vivid images of what I saw last night. I'm not ok because, for the first time I had alcohol, a full mug of it!

I picked up my pen and wrote a loppy 'I'm fine, just tired', and passed it to Jasmine. She collected the sheet, read the content then turned to me again.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I muttered.

The class ended and I was more than happy to rest my head for a while.

"I'll be going to the library, you're coming?" Jasmine asked, packing her notes into her bag.

I raised my head slightly from the desk and yawned. "I'll join you later, I just want to...." Then I remembered that I had to see Travis. "I'll have to meet Travis, then I'll come join you."

Jasmine nodded, still looking at me oddly before leaving. I stood up from my chair, picked my bag and headed out of the class. I barely made it out of the class before Travis and his friends passed me.

"Hey." I called out smiling, hastening my steps to meet them.

Travis turned slightly and gave me a glare before moving on. Leo and Alec turned and they both gave me a sad look before hurriedly removing their eyes.

What's wrong?

"Travis, wait.." I ran after them but they ignored me and kept on moving.

My question for you is.. Have you ever experience a hangover before😏?

Date: 7th October 2020
Time: 10:02pm

Taming Arrogance ✅ {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora