Chapter 27

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Luna's P.O.V
We had been sailing for awhile and had stopped at different small islands and we made a new friend called Vivi but today I was watching Nami with Vivi when we both noticed that something was off with Nami.

I watched as Vivi talked to Nami and I got up and moved catching Nami and gasped softly feeling the heat rolling off her body and I knew she was sick. "LUFFY!"

Luffy came running with the other's and they were worried seeing Nami sick and unconscious in my arms. Luffy walked over picking her up and I followed Luffy to her room. "Sanji we need some cool water please."

Sanji was worried as well and he went to the kitchen getting a basin and clothe we could use to place on Nami's forehead to try and control her fever. "Luna, Luffy we need to find a doctor to help Nami."

I grabbed a map that we had been looking at earlier. "There's a winter island coming up and it has a town there; let's head there and maybe there's a doctor there."

Usopp looked at the map with me and saw the direction we had to go as he used Nami's log pose to get the right direction.

Zoro frowned as he was using the cool clothe on Nami as Luffy and Sanji brought in blankets and Vivi gently covered her and fluffed up her pillows.

Vivi frowned finding a red spot. "This is a bug bite; do you think that whatever bit her could have made her sick?"

Sanji spoke up. "It's possible but even if there is a doctor there we don't what bit her and when." He was leaning against a wall and saw the worry as he worried as well. "Maybe some soup can help her she needs all her strength she can get right now."

Luffy looked to Nami. "Go rest guys we can take shifts of watching over Nami." He saw the smiles on our faces and we moved pillows and blankets into her room for ourselves as we didn't want to leave Nami alone. Luffy smiled and he covered Nami before helping us. "This is going to be one hell of a crew."

I smiled happily. "Yeah we will be; and when we see Shanks again I bet he'll respect all of us. We will have lots of hard roads we'll go on wether we're together or alone but I think this crew will be the strongest crew of all." I headed to my room and locked it as I had taken a picture of the bite on Nami and I sighed sitting just as the snail from Lucci rang and I answered the telesnail. "Hey Lucci." I was exhausted by now as I stretched.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had decided to call Luna when they got back to Water 7 and they had worked hard a couple days and as soon as work was done and they were searching  for the plans to Buster Call to use it's full power and they hadn't found anything except the mayor knew about it for sure.

Lucci heard Luna answer and he frowned as he heard how tired she was and didn't like it as he knew she was very active lately with her crew. "Hello Luna; what's wrong? You sound exhausted."

"Our navigator was bit by some bug and now she's sick for it; we're headed to a winter island near by we know that there is a town there and maybe a doctor." She was worried and it was understandable.

"Were you at a summer island recently? I heard that there is a beetle or something close to it that when it bites the person only gets sicker."

"I had a bad feeling you were going to say that; she's getting worse we're all going to be resting in her room so we can take turns taking care of her. We got a cool rag on her forehead and have been getting her to eat and drink a little bit but I'm scared Lucci."

Lucci could tell she was scared and he had to keep calm for her. "She's strong babe; I know that you and your crew will find someone to help but please be careful on the winter island. The storms on winter islands have been known to kill people by them getting lost in the storms and they pass out, or some creature gets them, or they just succumb to the cold of the weather."

Luna could hear how serious Lucci was and she smiled softly. "We have supplies I promise; we made sure we were well stocked at every island we have been too. We ask people if they know anything about the next island/s just so we have a small idea of what we might be getting ourselves into."

Lucci smiled softly hearing that they had the supplies that they needed and he could tell that Luna was getting exhausted. "Please Luna go and rest for me please; you won't be able to help your friend if your exhausted don't worry we can talk again soon enough."

Luna had yawned a little. "Alright Lucci; I can tell your trying to get me to relax you've calmed youself."

Lucci chuckled softly. "I need you to sleep Luna; I can feel your exhaustion I promise once I mark you one more time you will be able to rest whenever you need too cause you'll be more alert to your surrounding then you already are with your haki. I noticed you have two haki's I would like to start teaching you on those more as well once your ready."

Luna smiled softly as she blushed softly. "I'd love that Lucci." Slowly falling asleep till she didn't hear Lucci hang up as she slept curled up on her bed holding the telesnail in her hands.

Lucci could tell that Luna was finally asleep and he looked at the time and he decided to take his advice as he too got ready for bed and laid down soon falling asleep.

Luffy's P.O.V
Luffy noticed that Luna hadn't returned to Nami's room so he went to Luna's room knocking softly and when he smiled softly seeing Luna curled up asleep and he grabbed her quilt and covered her like he used too when they were children.

He knew that she always slept curled up in a ball as it made her feel safe but it soothed her as well. Luffy smiled softly as he walked out and gently closed her door making sure she would be warm and he went to join the others.

He was the only one awake and he walked over changing the clothe on Nami's forehead as he let his crew sleep he knew that they had all been working hard everyday and for awhile he wanted them to relax and sleep quietly.

He liked seeing how none of them wanted to leave Nami alone tonight. He looked up when the door opened and saw a tired looking Luna. "You should still be asleep Luna."

"I couldn't sleep alone I got a little cold; and I want to be here with Nami as well. We're a crew we stick together." Luna had found a place to lay down and Luffy smiled softly and laid down under his covers as he cuddled Luna and soon they were both sound asleep as well.

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