Chapter 35

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Luna's P.O.V
I gasped waking up during the night shaking and felt someone's grip on me tighten and I tensed before I noticed it was Ace and relaxed slowly I was still shaking from my nightmare as I dreamt this time that those I loved now were all dead.

I cuddled into Ace and heard him stop snoring and yawn as he woke up and was looking at me worried. "S-sorry."

"No Luna it's alright; what's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?" Ace was worried it had been awhile since he saw Luna have a nightmare before he had left the nightmares hadn't bothered her for months.

I nodded my head. "I-I dreamt everyone I loved was dead. I don't know why I would dream that though."

"It's hard to say Luna; but I doubt that your friends could be defeated easily and we both know Luffy is too stubborn and hard headed to be defeated." Ace was grinning as he got Luna giggling happily and he relaxed. "Oh there's the smile I love seeing."

I smiled giggling. "Your my brother you know what to say to get me giggling." I felt a drop on my face and groaned as we quickly got into cover as it started raining. "Worse time for it to rain."

"Well the weather changes so quickly on these sea's you have to be alert at all times. It can go from sunny and calm, to raining and storming or to freezing and snowing." Ace watched the storm with me and winced as it hit hard against the ship. "Wake your friends up."

I nodded my head as I went and woke Nami and Vivi as he got the guys. I knocked on Nami's door till I heard them get up and open the door. "We're in a storm Nami."

"Alright I'm coming." Hurrying with me as we all went out and did as Nami told us what to do and Vivi got in helping out with getting the ship through the storm.

Vivi was surprised and gasped as Sanji caught her when she lost her grip and heard it go silent. "What's going on?!"

I looked to Nami as we both spoke at the same time. "Eye of the storm."

Zoro frowned. "The calm of the storm; it means the storm is half way over...but usually the end of the storm brings more power with it."

Nami looked to the sky. "Zoro's right; get everything tied down while we have time! It won't take long!" She was trying to find a safe way to get us through the storm and gasped as a rogue wave hit the ship hard.

I cursed and looked. "Ace! Luffy! Chopper get inside you three! If the water hit's you three it will weaken you's up and you'll be in danger from the storm and sea!"

Luffy was worried but saw his crew looking determined. "Be careful guys; we'll watch incase anyone falls into danger."

Sanji smiled working with Zoro as they tied up the sails and Usopp and I lowered the anchors wincing when we got tossed and I heard a crack in my right shoulder and bit my lip knowing I had gotten my shoulder dislocated again.

Ace and Luffy gasped. "Luna!" They saw her holding her hurt shoulder they  worried that it was bad and went to move when she motioned them to wait.

I panted softly. "I-I'm alright you two; stay there." I smiled weakly through my pain and moved as I went back to help the others.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci groaned when he heard Kaku waking him up during the night and frowned as he opened the door seeing Kaku with a report. "What is it?"

"There's high danger on the sea's that Luna and her crew are crossing through; a very strong storm is moving over those waters it's already caused major damage to five islands and is still growing in power. Those water's their passing through are wide open and have been known to send sailors to the sea floor."

Lucci frowned as he listened and read the report that's when he noticed the tingling in his shoulder and touched it. "She's hurt; I can feel the tingling in my shoulder. Alright thank you Kaku please let me know if anything else changes."

"I will Lucci; I'm sure your woman is alright but I thought you should know what was happening instead of finding out the hard way." Kaku saw the worry in Lucci's eyes that he only showed when they weren't working or around anyone outside their small group.

Lucci moved back into his room once Kaku left and closed the door and walked over to his window and looked out over the town and could see the waters shining in the moonlight.

He sat on the window sill rubbing his shoulder and he frowned wondering how badly hurt she was and how much more she could take for being hurt.

He sighed and looked as Hattori flew over landing on his lap and smiled a little gently petting his companion as he looked back outside thinking of his mate. "Be safe Luna."

Luna's P.O.V
I panted as after three or more hours the storm finally passed by and the ship had next to no damage somehow. I felt a towel get tossed on me and smiled tiredly as I took it and started drying myself off.

Ace, Luffy and Chopper let the  rest of us get cleaned and changed before any wounds were tended too. I cursed as Chopper had to put my shoulder back into place and once it was safe we kept sailing and this time I was alone.

I closed my eyes and sent a wave of calm to Lucci and smiled softly when I heard my snail ring and I grabbed it answering it. "Hello Lucci."

"Are you alright Luna? We got reports of a storm heading your way."

"Yeah I had my right shoulder dislocated when I had ended up getting tossed around when we were trying to secure everything on the ship. We managed to ride the storm out but we had no choice to anchor down we kept getting hit with rogue waved thankfully the damage isn't bad this time."

Lucci breathed a sigh of relief and he could feel that she was tired but still full of energy. "What's on your mind Luna? It's been bothering you all day."

Luna bit het lip as she was worried about telling him what she found out. "Earlier I'm sure you felt my excitement; one of the guys that I was raised with is travelling with us at the moment to another country."

Lucci sighed softly. "Yeah we heard that it's Fire Fist Ace; I must admit kitten your surrounded by a lot of people that should make the world fear and respect them. What has he told you?"

I was nervous as I bit my lip and felt calm come over me and smiled a little. "He told me what WhiteBeard told him...about why my island was destroyed. You's were hunting a certain were after me from the beginning. For what my family could do; calming the animals...the wild and dangerous animals."

Lucci's eyes narrowed as he listened to the tone of her voice he understood her fear. "When I marked you that day; it wasn't because I want to use you cause your my equal Luna I already told you I will never force you to choose between myself and your crew. Your my mate Luna that day I found you it wasn't because of the skill you were born's because your complete me. Anyone tries to harm you or use you then they'll answer to me."

Luna could tell he was being truthful and she smiled softly. "Thank you for being truthful with me Lucci. I guess I worry that I'll loose everyone around me and be alone again."

"Luna you will never be alone so long as you have your friends and myself then we'll stay by you. Your strong and when things bother you then lean on us and let us shoulder those burdens with you."

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