Chapter One

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5 years later-present day

Welcome to Patterson's Vile Texas!

I followed my dad who was in front of me in his car past the welcome sign.

It was just past dawn when we finally made it here. We have been driving nonstop for 2 days and I am more than ready to get to our new place.

2 days ago my father got a lead on some information that looked connected to my mother's murder. So we packed up what little stuff we had and drove to this place.

For the past 5 years my father and I have been on the move driving from one place to another in search of the person who killed my mother. I have been to more schools then I could count, never getting a chance to finish because we always had a new place to go.

We always stayed in hotels until now. It completely took my by surprise when my father told me he bought us a house.

The town was a lot more up scale then I expected it to be. It was to early in the morning for anyone to be out and about therefore giving me a chance to take in the town.

The roads were clean and smooth with very little cracks in them. As I drove down the street I saw dozens of buildings, stores, and different fast food restaurants.

Right before I was to take my turn down the street that was to take me to my new place, I saw the school my father enrolled me in starting Monday.

I will be enrolled into the 11th grade as Scarlett Morgan at Patterson's High school.

Scarlett Morgan is the new identity I chosen to be because my father said people couldn't know who we really were, in case they tried to come back and kill us.

I chose the name Scarlett because it reminded me of the scarlet red blood I saw the night my mother was killed. And my dad chose the last name Morgan.

I didn't need to go to high school in the fact I didn't want to go but my father is making me go so we can seem "normal".

The school from the outside looked big. It was brick built with big double front doors. There was a water fountain in the front with a wolf spitting water out of its mouth. Almost as if were howling.

I turned down my street and headed towards my house with a dreadful feeling about going to school.

This is going to suck....

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