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“Amy.” Abby burped and giggled. She was drunk; really, really drunk and Amy was trying not to give her any more drinks but she’d somehow managed to get from somewhere.

“Yeah?” Amy said slowly. She was already mentally preparing herself for the incredible amounts of shit that was going to pour out of Abby’s mouth. She was already weird enough as it was when she was sober.

“You know what’s really weird?” She asked hiccupping again.

“No; but I'm guessing you’re about to tell me.”

“That guy over there...” She said closing her left eye and pointing to a guy at the bar end of the bar. “That gut right there has...” She hiccupped again and giggled softly. “He has...” She squinted and leaned over Amy to get a better look at the guy. “He has 1, 2, 3... he has three heads! How fucking amazing is that?!”

“Abby, he has one head. How drunk are you?”

“Intoxicated enough to see people with three heads. Maybe this is like in that one movie. What was it called? Amy! What was the movie called?”

“I don’t know what movie you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. It was that move with the girl... the girl with the hair.” Abby beamed at Amy and she just stared at her. As funny as this was Amy was not looking forward to the hangover Abby was going to have a few hours from now.

“Amy! You’re so useless! It was that movie with that girl. She was like... like, she kept drawing that sign.”

“The Mortal Instruments?”

“Yes! That movie. Maybe I'm like that girl and like, I can see stuff that aren’t really there because I'm telling you; that man does have three heads.”

 “Maybe you’re like her.” Amy agreed because she saw no use in arguing with a girl who dated a guy with coloured hair.

“Can I get another drink?”

“Haven’t you had enough?”

“But I'm thirsty.”

“I’ll get you a bottle of water.” Amy said getting up from her seat.

“Can you ask them to but vodka in it? I like vodka. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside; like Michael.”


“Michael is my boyfriend. He has red hair.”

“I know who he is.”

“I wanna call him. I miss him.”

“Then why don’t you just call him?”

“I don’t have his number.”

“Isn’t it stored in your phone?” Abby gasped and beamed at Amy.

“Yes! Oh, thank you so much! I would’ve never thought of that. I'm gonna call him now. Where is the bathroom?” Abby got up before Amy could even answer her and stumbled to the bathrooms.

When she got there she went into a stall and dialled his number. He picked up on the second ring. “Hey babe!”

She giggled and put a hand over her mouth. “You just called me babe.”

“Are you drunk?”


“Abby...” He said in a stern voice.

“Mikey...” She said mimicking his tone and she giggled. “Hey, that rhymed; Abby... Mikey...”

“Where are you?”

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