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“Stop playing with my hair!” Ashton whined turning his face to nibble Amy’s stomach. She squealed and hit his shoulder. They had both just woken up from a three hour nap and neither one was willing to get out the room. They were lying on the bed watching random YouTube videos. Ashton had his head on Amy’s stomach and she was absent mindedly running her fingers through his hair.

“Don’t bite me you jackass.” Amy said pushing his head off her stomach and climbing off the bed. Ashton shut his laptop and pushed it under his pillow. He turned on his stomach and looked at Amy who was studying the mark on her stomach.

“Where are you going?” He asked as she turned and opened the door.

“I'm gonna disinfect this bite. I don’t wanna get rabies and die.” Amy frowned walking out the room. Ashton giggled and scrambled off the bed to follow her. When he walked out the room he walked right into Luke.

“Ashton, thank God you’re awake. Wanna go get some burgers with me and Cal?” He asked smiling at Ashton who was staring at Amy making her way to the bathroom.

“What? No.” Ashton said trying to get past Luke so he could follow Amy. Luke moved to stand in Ashton’s way and he groaned. “Luke, move.”

“Do you wanna get burgers?” Luke asked again even though Ashton had already refused his offer. He was still wearing that ridiculous smile and Ashton was starting to get annoyed.

“I said no. God, Luke, move.” Ashton said in a frustrated tone as he tried to move past Luke again. Luke smirked and blocked him again. He knew he was annoying Ashton and he was loving it.

“Why don’t you? You always want burgers.” Luke said putting a hand on Ashton’s chest to stop him from moving. Ashton ran a hand over his face and sighed loudly.

“I don’t want burgers. I wanna go to the bathroom.”

“But Amy’s in the bathroom.” Luke said getting a kick of how angry Ashton was getting. It was really entertaining and Luke was enjoying himself. He wasn’t going to get burgers; Calum wasn’t even home. He just felt like annoying Ashton because he was bored and had no one to talk to.

“Luke!” Ashton yelled and Luke started laughing. Amy stuck her head out the bathroom with a confused look on her face. Luke turned back and smiled at Amy.

“Hey, Amy!” He yelled waving to her. She grinned and waved back at him.

“Hey, Luke!” Amy beamed as she approached the two guys. “What’s up?” She asked turning to give him her full attention. Ashton whimpered and took her hand, pulling her to his side.

“Ashton was being mean to me.” Luke grinned and Amy gasped and nudged her elbow in Ashton’s side. “Yeah, and all I wanted to do was hang out with my best friend.”

“We could hang out if you want.” Amy said pulling away from Ashton and linking her arms in Luke’s and pulling him to the living room. Luke beamed and followed Amy. After a few steps he turned his head to stick his tongue out at Ashton. Luke turned around to whisper something at Amy and she looked over her shoulder and laughed at Ashton.

He rolled his eyes and went to his room to put a top on. When he got to the living room Luke and Amy were sitting crossed legged on the floor with a jar of gummy bears and bowl of chips between them. Their eyes were glued to the TV screen as the intro to Mean Girls played. Ashton groaned and dropped himself on the couch.

“Not Mean Girls.” He whined as the movie started and both Luke and Amy turned and glared at him. He scowled as Luke dumped a few gummy worms and shoved some chips in his mouth. “Ewwww.” Ashton said scrunching up his nose as Luke threw his head back and sprayed some cheese in this mouth. “Dude, that’s nasty.”

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