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Jimin cradled the elder's dying body in his arms. His eyes shot up, glaring at whoever approached their way. He sighed, letting down his walls when he saw it was his friends, Ethan and Aviyanna. He looked up at them with pleading eyes. Hoping there would be a way to save Yoongi. 

"Jungkook, carry him to the infirmary." Ethan ordered. 

Jimin was hesitant, but he let Jungkook pick up the elder's limp body. Jimin slowly got up to his feet as well. His legs shaking from the weakness of his body. The ground seemed to sway under his feet. He tried to maintain the shield around Yoongi, but with each second his energy depleted and so did his powers. His vision blurred in and out. But Jimin tried to stay strong. He glanced down to his side and saw Taehyung wrapping his arms around him to share his weight. Namjoon and Jin cleared the way till the infirmary while Hoseok went to get the nurses and the doctors. 

Jimin stumbled into the cabin. Watching as Jungkook carefully placed Yoongi's body over the bed. The white sheets running red with the blood. As he felt the elder's heartbeat lower down with each second, Jimin's world seemed to crumble slowly. It wasn't that everything broke down at once and he didn't have the time to prepare. This was much worse. He had to feel his heart break, slowly and painful and stay completely helpless. He had to feel every bit of pain. 

"You can save him, right?" Jimin asked. His voice barely even audible. His bloodied fingers lacing with Yoongi's.

Ethan paused, turning to him with an sympathetic look, "We can't say for sure, but we'll try our best."

He pressed his lips together. It wasn't what he wanted to hear, but it was better than lies. The nurses rushed into the room, gasping when they saw Yoongi's condition. 

"Jimin, we are going to need to your moonstone." said Ethan. 

The silver head glanced down to the necklace. Carefully, pulling out the stone from the wire wrap and handing it to Ethan. He didn't know what the counsellor was going to do, but as long as there was even the slightest chance of saving Yoongi, it was okay. 

"Get the straps." Ethan ordered.

Immediately, Jimin's eyes widen. He turned to Ethan with a betrayed look, "No! No! No!"

The counsellor sighed, placing his hands over Jimin's shoulder, but the younger tried to move away, "Jimin, we need the straps for his safety. There is a very slight chance that Yoongi might be saved, but the proccess for it is going to very painful for Yoongi. So much that he would want to tear himself apart. Kill himself even. He need to tie him down otherwise he will hurt himself."

Jimin froze a little bit. His heart aching. He wanted to protest about the straps but the thought of the elder hurting himself was worse for him. He was being torn between his emotions. But he didn't have the chance to say anything because Hoseok pulled him out of the room. 

"We need to do a blood tranfusion." Jimin heard Ethan say. 

"I'll do it, we have the same blood type." Jin answered, walking into the infirmary and closing the door behind him. 

The silver head sat outside. Hugging his knees and rocking his body back and forth to calm himself down. Taehyung and Jungkook tried to persuade him to eat something or take some rest. But Jimin wasn't budging from his place. 

After a while, Jin walked out. He looked tired. The fight and then having to give up blood. Namjoon excused him and helped Jin get back to their house. Hoseok showed up, carrying some food in his hand and gave to the three youngest. 

"I want to stay here with you, but I need to go help the others." Hoseok muttered apologetically. 

Jimin smiled and little and shook his head, "It's alright. You can go."

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