Chapter 5

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Yes, I was that obnoxious person that loved Mondays. It was not hard to love Mondays when you loved your job. This week I was devoted to another presenter on Radio 2, and not Grimmy. For personal reasons I loved working with him, but for work reasons I loved the flexibility that came with it. It allowed me to learn from all kinds of presenters, producers and radio shows. It broaden my understanding and knowledge, and everyday I learned something new. So far today I was helping them pre-record bits of programs for some of the upcoming days. Now we sat in the lunch room chatting over tired leftovers, not sure if this could really classify as lunch at this early hour.

"Hey there sugar." A smiley Grimmy sat next to me, with the rest of his team joining our table. My team for today started involving them into the discussion we just had about what sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to. I had already contributed to the discussion by answering baseball.

"Did you see my email?" Grimmy almost whispered near my shoulder, partly not to disturb the discussion but also so that all other colleagues wouldn't hear him talking about work stuff over lunch. It was an unwritten rule, to never talk about work over lunch. It was a time for silly discussions like this.

"No, I've been too busy in the studio to check my inbox. What was it?" I asked in return while picking up my work phone to check what he referred to as he continued explaining.

"I sent you an invitation for a last minute meeting today. Not great planning from my side, I know, so I understand if you're too busy today. And I know that you are technically not with me this week, but I only need like thirty minutes." I looked over my calendar for the rest of the day. Grimmy leaned even more over my shoulder to look at it with me. With anyone else I would flinch at the intrusion of personal space, but this was Grimmy in a nutshell. He was never up in your face, he was just very much for challenging people's boundaries.

"I can squeeze in thirty minutes today. I am just supposed to be editing the pre-recorded bits we did this morning so it'll be alright." I accepted his invitation in my calendar and we both returned to the discussion that now had come down to the final decision between curling and slalom skiing.

I was early in the meeting room Grimmy had booked. It was only me and the ticking clock for now. After lunch I had realised that Grimmy never mentioned what the meeting was about. By the celebration we had this weekend I thought that Friday had gone well, why else celebrate it? But we had actually never talked about it. I tried calming the small nervousness rising in me by talking myself into this only being an evaluation meeting that I had regularly to ensure my development. It wouldn't mean I was in trouble, it would only mean that both of us looked over what we both could have done better to improve our collaboration and make the next project even better.

The door slowly opened with a concentrated Grimmy trying to juggle a coffee cup, laptop and notebook. His laptop was at risk as he tried slinking in the room. I stood up to grab the cup from him. He sat down on the opposite side and I placed the cup to his side.

"How are you? We haven't really talked since the weekend. We had fun right?" He smirked at me, referring to the both of us being drunk fools. Meanwhile he was connecting his computer to the big screen for the both of us to see his desktop.

"Too much fun I think, my body wasn't happy with me. I see that you managed to pull yourself together after we left." I teased. The last time I saw him he was on his way back from the dead.

"Oh believe me, I nearly didn't make it." We both laughed. The big screen lit up and I was waiting for him to open up some kind of presentation, document or email for both of us to look over. Instead he turned his eyes back to me.

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