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CHAPTER TWO ━━ the joke shop

▎AMOUR  ▎CHAPTER TWO ━━ the joke shop

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THE TWINS WERE WAITING FOR HARRY, eager to hear if Dudley had eaten their joke candy. When Harry emerged from the fire place Fred asked, "Did he eat it?" holding out a hand to pull him out.

"Yeah," said Harry. They explained their invention, the other siblings and Lyra started laughing.

       After Harry met Bill and Charlie, Mr Weasley appeared out of thin air. Lyra knew it wasn't going to end well and left the room to look for Hermione and Ginny, though they were already on their way to the kitchen. "What's happening there? Why's dad yelling?" asked Ginny.

"Fred and George tried their joke candy on Harry's cousin."

    When Harry saw Hermione and Ginny, he grinned at them making Ginny turn scarlet. She had liked him ever since second year. Lyra honestly couldn't see why, Harry was just a friend to her.

"Tell me what Arthur?" Mrs Weasley repeated in a voice that reminded Lyra of the rare occasions her mother was angry at her.

     "It's nothing Molly." mumbled Mr Weasley, "Fred and George just, but I've had word with them."

"Why don't you show Harry where he's sleeping Ron," started Hermione when Mrs Weasley complained about their jokeshop. Ron told her he would be sleeping in his room.

     "He slept their last-" He didn't fully understand that Hermione said it so they could leave.

"We could all go," she said politely. He looked from her to Lyra and caught on.

    George, seeing this as an opportunity to leave said, "Right yeah, we'll come to."

"You stay where you are!" snarled Mrs Weasley. The five got out of the kitchen and set off along the narrow hallway up the stairs. "What are Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?" asked Harry as they climbed.

     Ron, Ginny and Lyra laughed. She knew about it from all the letters Ginny wrote her. Ron explained how Mrs Weasley had found a stack of forms when she cleaned the twins's room, with prices for the joke stuff they had invented.

"We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never thought that they were actually making things. We thought they'd just like the noise," said Ginny.

     Ron went on about how they wanted to sell their dangerous stuff at Hogwarts, and their mum burned down all the order forms.

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